Chapter :-1 Introduction to HTML
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.
On the platform of the Internet, a distributed information system exists, which is called World Wide Web, WWW or Web in short.
The notion of the Web was conceived in 1991 by Tim Berners Lee.
HTML is a kind of markup language. A markup language is a set of tags that enables additional information (besides the content) on how to present the web content.
HTML is derived from of SGML (Standardized General Markup Language)
A combination of opening and closing tag along with some content between the two tags forms an element.
Opening Tag Content About Rainbow Closing Tag
<title> </title>
Paragraph tags : <p> and </p>
The <p> tag structures the content into a paragraph. Each paragraph of text should go in between an opening <p> and closing </p> tag.
Line Break: <br> or <br/>
he <br> element does not have an opening and closing tags. <br> is an abbreviated form of break.First example <br> <br>
Preformatted Text
Many a times we want to display text with multiple white spaces and in multiple lines without wanting to be changed it by the browser. we may embed the content into pre-formatted tag set using <pre> and </pre>.
Bold : <b> and </b>
This tag is used to display given content into bold letters.
Underline : <u> and </u>
This tag is used to display given content with underlined letters
Strike Through : <s> and </s>
The content of an <s> or <strike> element is displayed with a strikethrough a thin line through the text. Here the 's' is an abbreviated form of 'strike'.
Type writer font: <tt> and </tt>
The content of a <tt> element is written in typewriter type of fonts, which is also identified as mono spaced font (like that of a teletype machine).
<small> and </small>
Description The content is displayed one font size smaller than the rest of the text surrounding it.
<big> and </big>
The content is displayed one font size bigger than the rest of the text surrounding it.
<sup> and </sup>
The content is displayed in superscript.
<sub> and </sub>
The content is displayed in subscript.
Anchor Tag
When text is displayed within an HTML document, besides the content and format specification, some extra information or reference to other entity is needed.
Set of such words or text that appears in different colour (generally blue and underlined) are called hyperlink.
hyperlink is created using an <a> element, where the 'a' stands for an anchor.
Absolute or Relative Address
Instead of giving a full address such as, we have given only the file name "p4.html".The location of the called file is relative to the calling file. Hence it is known as a relative address. While the complete address is known as an absolute address.
Align Attribute
The align attribute indicates whether the heading appears to the left, center, or right of the page. By default, the content is aligned to the left of the page<p align="right"> This content will be displayed in right aligned form </p> <p align="center"> This content will be displayed in center position of the page </p>
Description Anchors parent file to the referred file through hot text (link) :- <a href> ... </a>
<b> ..</b>
Defines body of the HTML document. Appears within the <html> tag pair. :- <html>...</html>
Defines line break. It is an empty singular tag. :- <br> or <br />
Defines a first level heading. :- <h1>...</h1>
Defines a second level heading. :- <h2>...</h2>
Defines a third level heading. :- <h3>...</h3>
Defines a fourth level heading. :- <h4>...</h4>
Defines a fifth level heading. :- <h5>...</h5>
Defines a sixth level heading. :- <h6>...</h6>
Defines the head section of an HTML document. Appears within <html> tag pair. :- <head>...</head>
Displays text in italics fonts. :- <i>..</i>
Defines a paragraph :- <p>...</p>
Displays preformatted text. :- <pre>...</pre>
Displays text in strikethrough manner. :- <s> ..</s>
Displays text in typewriter fonts. :- <tt> .</tt>
Displays text in underlined fonts.:- <u> </u>
Choose the correct option from the following :-
1) To display the web content, which mark-up language is needed ?
(a) CML (b) HTML (c) NML (d) WML
(2) Which of the following is considered as a language for describing web page ?
(a) HTML (b) WML (c) NML (d) CML
(3) Which of the following is the full form of HTML ?
(a) Hot Text Manipulation Language (b) Hyper Text Manipulation Law
(c) Hyper Text Markup Language (d) Hidden Text Markup Language
(4) Which of the following is the full form of SGML ?
(a) Standardized General Markup Language
(b) System General Manipulation Law
(c) Standardized Genome Markup Law
(d) Standardized Gigabyte Markup Language
(5) Which of the following refers to an HTML element ?
(a) An opening tag, content and a closing tag (b) Angular brackets
(c) Content (d) Any of these
(6) Which of the following can be used to specify additional formatting along with an HTML
(a) Numbers (b) Attributes (c) Comments (d) Contents
(7) Which of the following refers to a singular tags that do not require content ?
(a) Compete (b) Empty (c) Null (d) Void
(8) Which of the following attributes type can appear along with any tag ?
(a) Unique (b) Universal (c) Trivial (d) Preliminary
(9) Which type of information can be incorporated in an HTML document ?
(a) Multimedia information (b) Text information
(c) Address and path of filename (d) All of these
(10) Which of the following is an editor to edit an HTML document ?
(a) SciTE (b) BriTE (c) LigHT (d) SpriTE
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