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Class 10th Chapter:- 1 The Internet



1. Internet is a network of computers connected to  each other to share data and information. It is a largest Network of the computer connected to World wide or across the globe. Basically Internet is not owned by any Individual or Organisation.

2. It is managed by some organisational group or volunteer persons or organisation who work for the development and research and management of Internet.

3.The top organisation or volunteer company are :-   

    (a)ISOC :- Internet Society

    (b)IAB :- Internet Architecture Board

    (c)IETF :- Internet Engineering Task Force

    (d)IRTF :- Internet Research Task Force 

    (e)ICANN :- Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

    (f)W3C :- World Wide Web Consortium 

4.WWW stand for World Wide Web  . On the platform of the Internet , a distributed information system exist , Which is called WWW or Web in short. WWW is a massive or Big source of information available in the form of millions of files stored on many computers around the Globe.

5. Internet Terminologies :- The various terms used in context with WWW World Wide Web are as follows :- 

    (a)Web Browser 

    (b)Web Server 

    (c)Web Client 

    (d)Web Pages


    (f)Home Page


    (f) URL(Uniform Resources Locator)

  6. Web Address :- It is a unique name to identify a website on the Web server. These are also name as Domain Names.


    7. Internet Protocol :- Internet Protocols Most of the work on the Internet is done by transfer of data and information between the large number of computers connected to each other.As computers connected to the Internet may have different hardware configurations, run on different operating systems or use different software.

Some common Internet protocols are described below:-  

1. Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

2. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) 

3. Post Office Protocol 3 

4. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

5. Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) 

File Transfer Protocol   

1. Secure Shell or Secure Socket Shell (SSH)

2. File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

3. Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)

4. Secure Copy Protocol (SCP)



A.Tick the correct answer.

1. Internet was started in 

1991 1989 1969 1979 

2.Initially, Internet was known as ............

MILNET NSFnet ARPAnet None of these

3.A high speed interconnecting structure that allows two or more networks to exchange information

known as ............ 

Backbone Gateways Protocol     None of these 

4............ protocol is responsible for converting the data into small packets of equal size 


5 ................ organisation is responsible for the development of new standards and technology for the working of Internet. 


6. ............ organisation coordinates and assigns unique identity to the system on the Internet.



7. The protocol which establishes a connection between the client machine and web serve is called .........


8.Web browser is one of the ................ 

Server application Client application Web application None of these  

9.URL stands for ................

Unique Resource Locator Universal Resource Locator 

Uniform Resource Locator Unidentified Resource Locator 

10. DNS stands for ................ 

Domain Name System Domain Name Server Direct Name System None of these

Write T for True and F for False statement. 

1. Internet is a part of World Wide Web (WWW). True 

2. ARPAnet was developed by an agency sponsored by US Department of Defence. True  

3. World Wide Web was established in 1969 by Tim Berners-Lee. False 

4. Gateway is a special device used to connect two or more dissimilar networks. True  

5. In the TCP/IP set of protocols, TCP is responsible to assign the address of the destination 

computer to each packet. False  

6. HTTP is a protocol used to upload or download the files on the Internet. False  

7. Internet is owned by ISOC (Internet Society). False 

8. Broadband connection is faster than dial-up connection. True  

9. Google Chrome is an example of web server. False  

10. HTML is used to create web pages. True

Fill in the blanks. 

1.Internet is also known as network  of networks. 

2.The networks separated by US military from the ARPAnet was named as MILNET 

3.Development of WWW was resulted into the popularisation of Internet. 

4. TCP/IP is the central interconnecting structure that connects two or more networks. 

5. A device that connects dissimilar networks is called  Gateway

6. Internet works on the World Wide Web  technology. 

7. The network communication rules are called Protocol 

8. TCP/ responsible to assign the address of destination computer to the data packets. 

9. Internet is accessed using ____________ and _____________provided by the ISP 

10. World Wide Web was launched in 1991 by Tim berners -lee. 

11 . Hyperlink  is the first page of the website providing links to the  other web pages 

12. The Web server acts like a directory on the Internet.

Link to Download Chapter :- 1  



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