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Class 11 Chapter 1 :- Introduction to Multimedia

Chapter 1 :- Introduction to Multimedia

Communication is an integral part of our life. We use various means of communication like radio, newspaper, television, theatre, movies, internet and others.


The term multimedia has been coined from two terms : multiple and media.In other words, multimedia is a combination of different media elements like text, audio, graphics, video and animation.

Multimedia is now-a-days used in every field like education, theatre, advertising, fashion, gaming to name a few.


Text is used to communicate information to the user.Text can be of any type, a word, a single line, or a paragraph.The textual data for multimedia can be developed using any text editor. The text can have different type, size, color and style to suit the professional requirement of the multimedia software. 


Sound is the most important element of multimedia.The term sound is used in the analog form, and the digitized form of the sound is called audio. .wav is the most popular uncompressed sound format on the Internet, and it is supported by all popular browsers.


Images used in a multimedia application can be photographs converted into digital form with the help of scanners or generated on the computer.

A Pixel (short for picture element) is the small dot on the screen. A map is a two dimensional matrix of these dots. Thus, a bitmap is a simple matrix of tiny dots which forms an image on the computer screen. 

They store the images in the form of mathematical equations. On the screen both bitmap and vector graphics looks the same.

Video and Animation 

Animation can add great power to any multimedia application. Any static presentation becomes lively by adding a video or animation.The term video refers to the sequence of natural scenes captured using analog or digital video capturing device.

Animation is a visual change over time. The digital images are played one after the other to create a moving effect.

Choose the correct Option  

(1) The term multimedia has been coined from which of the following terms : 

(a) mix, media 

(b) mid, mediate 

(c) multi, mediator 

(d) multiple, media 

(2) How many maximum media elements are combined in Multimedia? 

(a) three 

(b) four 

(c) five 

(d) eight 

(3) Which of the following terms defines a meaningful speech in any language? 

(a) video 

(b) sound 

(c) text 

(d) animation 

(4) Times, Century, Bookman are some examples of which of the following font? 

(a) arial 

(b) typeface 

(c) serif 

(d) sans serif 

(5) Which of the following is an audio file compressed with windows media compression? 

(a) mid 

(b) .wav 

(c) mp3 

(d) .wma 

(6) Which of the following terms represent the distance between the top of the letter to the 

bottom point? 

(a) size 

(b) style 

(c) length 

(d) width 

(7) Which of the following terms represent typefaces that have different styles and sizes? 

(a) font 

(b) text 

(c) letter 

(d) character 

(8) Macromedia Flash, Synfig studio and Pencil are examples of which of the following 

animation types? 

(a) 3D 

(b) 2D 

(c) 4D 

(d) 5D 

(9) Which of the following terms represent a small dot on the computer screen? 

(a) pixel 

(b) point 

(c) cursor 

(d) cell 

(10) Which of the following terms represent a classification of images? 

(a) vector, raster 

(b) bitmap, raster 

(c) picture, clipart 

(d) graphics, picture 

(11) Which of the following terms represent a visual change over time? 

(a) text 

(b) audio 

(c) animation 

(d) graphics 

(12) Which of the following terms represent a two dimensional matrix of dots? 

(a) screen 

(b) map 

(c) cell 

(d) array 

(13) Which of the following terms is full form of MIDI? 

(a) musical instrument data interface 

(b) musical instrument digital interface 

(c) musical image digital interface 

(d) musical instrument digital image 

(14) Which of the following terms represent the most common image format used by digital 


(a) gif 

(b) jpeg 

(c) .tif 

(d) .bmp 

(15) Which of the following is used to store the images are stored in form of mathematical 


(a) vector 

(b) raster 

(c) bitmap 

(d) picture 

(16) Which of the following devices help us to convert photographs into a digital format? 

(a) scanners 

(b) modem 

(c) printer 

(d) monitor 

(17) Which of the following terms represent PNG? 

(a) programmable network graphic 

(b) photo network graphic 

(c) portable new graph 

(d) portable network graphic 

(18) Which of the following terms represent a helper programs that can be easily installed 

and used as a part of the web browser? 

(a) plug-in 

(b) text 

(c) video 

(d) audio 

(19) In which of the following terms can Multimedia be classified? 

(a) intelligent and non-intelligent 

(b) interactive and non-Interactive multimedia. 

(c) intuitive and non-intuitive 

(d) informative and non-informative 

(20) In which of the following animation types does the visual change occur in the x and y axis? 

(a) 2D 

(b) 3D 

(c) 4D 

(d) 5D

Link to Download Chapter 1 :- Introduction to Multimedia

Link to Download :-  Multiple Choice Question



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