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Class 11 Chapter 2 :- Animation Tool: synfig

Chapter 2 :- Animation Tool: synfig

 Synfig Studio is a time based multimedia authoring tool that falls in the category of open source. 

It is available free of cost on the internet and can be downloaded from . 

Synfig Studio (or simply Synfig) is 2D vector animation software released in 2005 under the GNU GPL (General Public License).

Synfig stores animations in XML (extensible markup language) file format, often compressed using compression software gzip which stands for GNU zip. 

These files use the filename extension .sif in uncompressed form or .sifz in compressed form.

To start Synfig, in the menu bar click Applications → Graphics → Synfig.

Choose the most appropriate option from those given below : 

(1) The elements are organized as pages of a book or pile of cards in which of the following forms? 

(a) card or page based tools 

(b) icon and event based tools 

(c) time based tools 

(d) animation tools 


(2) Which of the following tool helps in changing the color of objects? 

(a) draw 

(b) fill 

(c) circle 

(d) rectangle 

(3) Synfig Studio represents which of the following type of authoring tools? 

(a) time based authoring tool 

(b) event based authoring tool 

(c) page based authoring tool 

(d) icon based authoring tool 

(4) Which of the following terms represents the number of palettes a toolbox window 

separated into? 

(a) two 

(b) three 

(c) four 

(d) five 

(5) Which of the following is the file extension of a file created in Synfig Studio? 

(a) fiz 


(c) zif 

(d) fis 

(6) Which of the following panel shows the currently selected layer parameter? 

(a) layer 

(b) params 

(c) timetrack 

(d) history 

(7) Which of the following represents the colour of the duck used to change the radius of 

the circle? 

(a) green 

(b) yellow 

(c) orange 

(d) blue 

(8)Which of the following tools is used to make objects with any number of points and curves? 

(a) bline 

(b) circle 

(c) rectangle 

(d) star 

(9) Which of the following tools is used to create smooth transitions between two or more colours in an object? 

(a) width 

(b) fill 

(c) eyedrop 

(d) gradient 

(10) Which of the following gradient produces simple transition in a straight line? 

(a) conical 

(b) radial 

(c) linear 

(d) spiral 

(11) Authorware and IconAuthor are examples of which of the following types of tools? 

(a) card or page based tools 

(b) icon and event based tools 

(c) time based tools 

(d) animation tools 

(12) Which of the following animation software lets you create traditional hand-drawn animation? 

(a) pencil 

(b) synfig 

(c) flash 

(d) director 


(13) Which of the following are two important parameters of circle tool? 

(a) centre, diameter 

(b) diameter, point 

(c) radius, diameter 

(d) centre, radius 

(14) Which of the following terms represent a handle used to control some parameter of the layer? 

(a) point 

(b) tool 

(c) duck 

(d) panel 

(15) The duck used to change the position of the object has which of the following colour? 

(a) green 

(b) blue 

(c) red 

(d) yellow 

(16) The layers visibility is controlled by which of the following operations? 

(a) opacity 

(b) gradient 

(c) interpolation 

(d) blend 

(17) Which of the following tools allow you to enter text by creating a text layer

(a) circle 

(b) text 

(c) draw 

(d) fill 

For more MCQ Download through this link :-


Download Chapter 2 :- Animation Tool: synfig :- 

How to Download Synfig Studi  for your Window System



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