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Class 11th cbse Chapter 1 :- Computer System

 Chapter 1 :- Computer System 

Define Computer  :-  Computer is an electronic device.which take input form user process it                                                      and  give us an output . 

                                                Computer can be designed by the combination of  

                                                1. Hardware :- The physical electronic components of 

                                     a computer are called hardware, e.g., keyboard, CPU,                                                        monitor, printer etc.

                                                2. Software :-  These are the recorded instructions and programs that                                                    govern the working of a computer

Computer System :- Computer system can be comprises of five basic component

1.Input Unit :- Input unit is used for taking Input for the computer.Input devices are mainly connected or attached to the computer system. example :- keyboard , mouse , scanner, etc.

2. Output Unit :- Output unit is used for taking Output.Output device are mainly responsible for taking input from the computer.Some basic example of Output device are Printer , Speaker etc . 

3. Central Processing Unit :- CPU is mainly said as a brain of the computer . CPU is mainly used for processing the data and Instruction.

It is made up of two parts 

(a)Arithmetic Logical Unit (ALU) :- It is used for basic Arithmetic operation like (+ , - , * , / , %) etc.  and making logic decision (> , < , >= ,<=)etc.

(b)Control Unit :- It is used for controlling and supervising each and every command given by user .

4. Primary Memory :- It is basically an internal volatile memory where all the data and                                                                instruction are stored during all the process of the system. example:-                                                        RAM and ROM

5. Secondary memory :- It is basically refereed as an external storage device which provide                                                             permanent   memory to the computer system.

Unit of Computer memory Managements

                                Types of Memory 

1. RAM :- 

RAM Stand for Random Access Memory 

 It is said to be the main memory of the computer system. It temporarily keeps information and data to facilitate its performance. 

When the task is performed its clear the memory space is then available for the next task to be performed.

When the power is switched off, everything  stored in the memory get erased and cannot be recalled. example :- Ram is basically volatile in nature 

2.ROM :- ROM stand for Read Only Memory 

This memory is units performs the read operation only.

This implies that binary information stored in a ROM is permanent during the Hardware production.

ROM are used for application in which it is known that ht information never need to be altered , example :- monitor programming controlling machine.

Evolution of Computer :- 

1st Generation Computer :- 

 1. Big and clumsy computers 
 2. Electric failure,Lot of heat 
 3. Stored program concept 
 4. Machine language 
Computing devices :- ENIAC , EDVAC , EDSAC , UNIVAC- 1


2nd Generation Computer  

Transistors replaced vaccum tubes     
                                                      Smaller in size Lesser heat 2nd gen. computers 
                                                    Lower electricity consumption used Transistors 
                                                    Machine language, assembly language 
                                                    Computing Devices : IBM 1400, 7000 Series.


3rd Generation Computers (1964-1971

Control Data 3600 Computers smaller, faster and more reliable

Lower power consumption

High-level languages

Storage upto 100 MegaBytes

Computing Devices : IBM-360 series, ICL-1900 series, CDC-1700

      4th Generation Computers (1971-PRESENT)

Large and Very Large Integrated circuits (LSI & VLSI) Portable computers High storage capacity (up to Tera Bytes) Programming in High Level Languages Computing Devices: Pentium, Power PC,AMD,Apple etc.

5th gen. computers

Parallel-processing Superconductors Computing Devices: Al devices and Robotic Devices used Artificial Intelligence


    Key Summary :-  

Computers can deliver performance because of an efficient combination of hardware and software.

 While hardware refers to physical electronic components of a computer, software represent the recorded instructions/software that govern its operation.

Computer organization refers to logical structure of a computer describing their interconnections and work dependency

The functional components of a computer include : input unit, CPU, Memory, Storage Unit, Output Unit.

The Input unit is responsible for obtaining input from user and converting it to digital form.

The CPU (Central Processing Unit) processes the received input as per a set of instructions and produces output.

The CPU has these sub-components : ALU, Control Unit and Registers. 

The ALU (Arithmetic of Logic Unit) is responsible for carrying out arithmetic operations and logic operations (e.g., comparing two values). 

The Control Unit controls or supervises the processing taking place.

ROM is read only memory that stores some prewritten instructions.

RAM is Random access memory that can be read and written and is used for manipulating data during processing.

The primary memory (RAM) is volatile in nature as all contents are antonte are erased as soon as power goes off.

Open source software is the one whose source code is available. 

Link to Download Chapter :- 1 






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