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Class 11th Chapter :-5 Using pictures in synfig

Chapter :-5 Using pictures in synfig

(01) What is used in a presentation or animation to improve the quality of reception?

a)Pictures b) slide c) page d) Database

(02) In synfig, we can insert images to give a different look to our .

a)Database b) animation c) document d) none of them

(03) Which of the following option is used to import image?

a)Import -> File b) Import -> Image     c) File-> Import     d) File-> Import Image

(04) Which key combination is used to import image?

a)CTRL + i b) CTRL + f c) CTRL + d d) CTRL + k

(05) In import image dialog box, which button is clicked after selecting image file?

a)Import b) open c) insert d) None of them

(06) To ............... the imported image,select the image layer in the layers panel, two green points on the image will be seen which can be used to change the size of the image.

a)Delete b) resize     c) enlarge only d) reduce only

(07)Whenever the image is resize, the image tends to get distorted because is not maintained.

a)Image lock b) resize ratio c) aspect ratio d) distortion

(08) To resize the image and keep its aspect ratio we need to the layer.

a)Encapsulate b) morphing c) kinematics d) tweening

(09) To encapsulate, right click on the image layer and select .

a)Do encapsulation     b) encapsulation c) encapsulate       d) create Encapsulation

(10) By selecting encapsulate by right clicking on the image layer will add canvas layer.

a)Inline     b) outline     c) thickline     d) incanvas

(11) Open up the encapsulated layer using the triangle and you can see the image layer inside the inline canvas

a)Big b) large c) small d) none of them

(12)Select the image layer -> .......... to add a new scale layer on top of the image layer.

a)Right click -> New Layer->scale->Transform b) Right click -> Transform ->New Layer->scale

c) Left click -> New Layer-> Transform ->scale d) Right click -> New Layer-> Transform ->scale

(13) To rotate the image then add a new rotate layer above the scale layer and select the scale layer -> .

a)Right click -> New Layer->Rotate->Transform

b) Right click ->Rotate -> New Layer ->Transform

c) Right click -> New Layer->Transform->Rotate

d) Left click -> New Layer->scale->Transform

(14) By using the you can rotate the image as you want.

a)Rotation duck b) rounding duck c) moving duck d) image duck

(15) In synfig, rotation duck is of color.

a)Blue b) yellow     c) green d) red

(16)  .............. is a feature by which you can hide or reveal areas of a layer.

a)Masking b) encapsulate c) polymerization d) none of them

(17) Basically, the shape used as a mask acts like a with the help of which you can see the objects beneath it.

a)Window b) kinematics c) morphing d) encapsulate

(18) Which tool is useful to draw a cloud on the canvas?

a)Bline b) Rectagle c) scale d) smooth move

(19) .............. can be used as patch to hide the objects beneath it.

a)Masking b) Encapsulate c) polymerization d) none of them

(20) Which button is clicked to see the animation

a)Play b) pause c) stop d) Exit

(21) Which tool is used to create the mask shape?

a)Bline b) Rectangle c) scale d) smooth move

(22) To create mask shape, select the Bline tool and from the tool options select only option.

a)Create Region Bline                 b) Create plane Bline

c) Create curve Gradient Bline d) Create Advanced outline Bline

(23) Draw a rectangular shaped Bline and to end the bline,right click and select at the last vertex.

a)Repeat Bline b) Loop Bline     c) continuous Bline d) End Bline

(24) Select the mask layer from the layers panel and in the parameters panel set the blend method to so while playing the animation the cloud is now not visible on the canvas.

a)Alpha over b) Alpha c) Alpha start d) Alpha end

(25) Select the mask layer and in the parameters panel select the option to shows the effect on the canvas.

a)Revert b) invert     c) divert d) none of them

(26)To handle the visibility of the images the parameters and property of each layer will be used.

a)Blend method, amount b) blending,masking c) masking, invert d) masking, amount

(27) Amount value of signifies the layer is fully visible.

a) 0     b) 1 c) 2     d) 3

(28) Amount value of meanse the layer is fully transparent.

a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3

(29) Multiple images can be selected using key.


(30)  ................. specifies that the parameter is controlled automatically in different ways.

a)Convert b) Revert c) controller d) property

(31) Selecting timed swap as amount property will add new sub parameters to the amount property.

a)Before,After b) Time and Length c) (a) and (b)     d) before only

(32) If you want to place a background in the slideshow then encapsulate the image layers.

a)All b) first c) last d) before only

(33) To skip a particular portion of the animation and move further, these actions used for interactivity in animation software are known as .

a)Action scripts b) multiscript c) document d) programming

(34)  ............... is used to add flexibility to the animation programs.

a)Action script b) multiscript c) Document d) programming

(35) The term ................ signifies the use of scripting language to add flexibility to the actions performed during the animation.

a)Action script b) multiscript c) Document d) programming

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