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Class 12 Chapter:- 1 Creating HTML Forms Using KompoZer



HTML stand for Hyper text Markup Language.In Html Forms are used to accept the data over the web.

In HTML, A Form are used to collect different input from the user.

Forms have various element like :- 

  • label  
  • text  
  • Radio button 
  • Chechbox 
  • Text Area 
  • Selection list
  • buttons 

etc. Through which user can input there personal information , a feedback about the product a survey etc.

The software which we are using for the Web development is :- KompoZer.

The Kompozer is free web development IDE(Integrated Development IDE) used to create web pages and website for Free and without coding.Basically you just have to used drag and drop method to create a Web-page or Website

KompoZer also have a web page editor which has simple GUI(Graphical user interface) Interface known as 'WYSIWYG' is basically stand for 'What You See Is What You Get'.

Creating form using Kompozer is Simple and Fast.

How to Download and Install kompZer

Choose the most appropriate option from those given below : 

(1) Which of the following is a container used to collect different kinds of inputs from 

the user. 

(a) Form 

(b) Webpage

(c) Text 

(d) Input 

(2) Which of the following element is used to create an HTML form? 

(a) Textarea     

(b) Form  

(c) Select and Option     

(d) Input 

(3) Which of the following is the tag used to implement form element ? 
(a) <form>... </form>               

(b) <form>... <form>                                           

(c) </form>... </form>              

(d) <frm>... </frm> 

(4) Which of the following attribute of form is used to specify where to send the form data 

when the form is submitted ? 

(a) method

(b) action   

(c) submit

(d) input 

(5) Which of the following attribute of form specifies the HTTP method to be used when 

sending the data ? 

(a) submit

(b) action   

(c) method 

(d) input 

6 Which of the following values are used by method attribute ? 

(a) GET and POST

(b) GET and SET

(c) GET and PUT

(d) SET and POST 

(7) Which of the following method allows only a limited amount of information to be sent 

at a time? 

(a) GET

(b) POST

(c) SET

(d) PUT 

(8) Which of the following method sends the data as a block through the HTTP transaction? 

(a) GET 

(b) SET  

(c) PUT  

(d) POST 

(9) Which of the following attribute of the input element specifies the field that is to be created  in the form? 

(a) Input

(b) Type

(c) Name 

(d) Value 

(10) Which of the following element allows multi-line text input ? 

(a) Textarea      

(b) Input 

(c).Select and Option

(d) Form 

(11) Which of the following element is used to create a drop down list or menu in a form ? 

(a) Input             

(b) Textarea

(c) Select

(d) Form 


(12) Which of the following is a free open source web development DE ? 

(a) HTML

(b) Kompozer

(c) Scite         

(d) Base 

(13) Which of the following stands for "WYSIWYG" ? 

(a) When You See Is When You Get

(b) What You See Is When You Get 

(c) What You See Is What You Get

(d) When You See Is What You Get 


Link to download chapter  :-

Link to download MCQ :- 


Creating form using KompoZer 

Example 1
form 1 

Solution of Example 1  

Creating form using KompoZer 

Example 2

Example 2 

Solution of Example 2



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