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 A. Tick () the correct answer. 

1.___________ is a pointing device which is used to play games on computer. 





2. OCR stands for 

Optical Character Reader 

Optical Compile Recognition 

Optimal Character Reader 

Optional Character Reserve 

3.____________ scans text and images that are less than a page wide. 

Handheld Scanner 

Flatbed Scanner 

Drum Scanner 


4._______________is a type of scanner which scans the handwritten or printed text on paper and converts it into the actual text which can be edited using a word processor. 


5. In___________ no memory card is required for storing images. 



Graphic Tablet 

Smart Card Reader

6.____________ are basically an extension of ATMs.

Smart Card Reader 

Graphic Tablet 

Touch Screen Device 

Biometric Sensor 

7. The images on the monitor are formed with the help of thousands of picture elements present on the 

screen called__________ 





8. The full form of TFT is ___________

Thin Film Transistor 

Thick Film Transistor 

Thin Fluorescent Transistor 

Thick Fluorescent Transistor 

9. An impact printer is also called _______________

Character Printer 

Dot Matrix Printer

Daisy Wheel Printer 

Line Printer 

10. ____________ is the main secondary storage device that stores large amount of data permanently. 

Memory Card 

Hard Disk 

Pen Drive 

Flash Card 

B. Write T for True and F for False statement. 

1. Keyboard and mouse are the only input devices that can be used to enter data in the computer. True

2. An optical mouse uses LED or LASER technology to track the movement. True

3. Handheld scanners are used to scan high quality graphical images. False

4. MICR is one of the output devices used in the banks. True

5. A document scanned using OCR can be edited like a normal document. True 

6. Printer is an output device used to produce hard copy output. True

7. Laser printer is an example of impact printer. False

8. ROM is one of the non-volatile electronic memory fixed on the motherboard of the computer system. False

9. Cache memory helps to enhance the performance of the CPU. True 

10. Hard disk, floppy disk, magnetic tapes are the examples of optical storage devices. True

 Fill in the blanks. 

1. Optical mouse uses Laser technology to track the movement.

2.Drum scanner is mostly used for commercial graphics production.

3. Plotter are generally used to generate large printouts of construction maps, engineering drawings and big posters that require high quality. 

4. The storage capacity of CD is  700 MB 

5. Memory card is also known as multimedia card. 

6. A combination of 4 bits is called nibble 

7. Pen drive and External hard disk are the examples of external storage devices used for permanent data storage. 

8.  blue-violet laser technology is used to read/write data on the Blu-ray disc

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