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Class 10th Chapter :- 2 Head and Body Section of HTML

Head and Body Sections  

An HTML document is divided into two sections called Head and Body.

The head section also contains additional information about the content and the HTML document.

The tag that provides additional information is known as meta-tag.It is usually relevant for browsers and search engines.

Description :- Most search engines will display the description when they put the results of a search to the users.  

Example:-   <meta name="DESCRIPTION" content="About rainbow and its colours">

Keywords provided in this tag will be used by the search engine.

Example :- <meta name="KEYWORDS" content="Rainbow, VIBGYOR"> 

Author :- The following meta-tag attribute provides information about the author of the web page. 

Example :- <meta name="AUTHOR" content="abc">

Comments allow you to provide additional information in the HTML code. The comments are not meant to be displayed.To add a comment we use '<!--' and '-->' tags. 

Example :- <!-- This is a comment --> 

Body Section

The body section of an HTML document is written between <body> and </body> tags.Body element acts as a container of the items 

Background Image 

To present the content on decorative and colourful background, We can use the background attribute with body tag.

<body background ="rainbow.jpg"> 

background image :- 

We can make the web page attractive by using background colour

example :- <body bgcolor="#FFFF00"> 

Link color :- 

We have two type of Link:- 

(1) visted link(vlink) 

(2)active link(alink)

Horizontal Line 

The <hr /> element displays a horizontal line across the page. It is an empty element like <br /> element. It is also called horizontal rule. 

Font tag :- The font tag is used to set a specific font and size. 

example:- <p><font size="3" color="red">This is some text!</font></p> <p><font size="2" color="blue">This is some text!</font></p> <p><font face="verdana" color="green">This is some text!</font></p> 

Special Character :- 

Special characters such as <, &, ©, etc. can be included on the web page along with & (ampersand) as a prefix of the mnemonic code (symbol) of the letter. we can also give the ASCII value for the symbol.

Choose the correct option from the following  :-  

(1) Which of the following form basic two sections of an HTML code ? 

(a) Head and body 

(b) Physical and logical 

(c) Code and browser 

(d) Meta-tags and body 

(2) The meta-tags in an HTML document are written in which of the following section ? 

(a) Body 

(b) Code 

(c) Head 

(d) Special 

(3) Which of the following about a web page is described when a meta-tag is used in 

HTML page ? 

(a) Author, purpose and keywords 

(b) Layout 

(c) Style 

(d) Size 

(4) Title of a web page is embedded within which of the following tag ? 

(a) <p> and </p> 

(b) <body> and </body> 

(c) <title> and </title> 

(d) <h1> and </h1> 

(5) In which of the following sections can we add comments in HTML document ? 

(a) Head 

(b) Body 

(c) Both head and body 

(d) Either head or body 

(6) Which of the following is used to specify a colour in HTML code ? 

(a) Colour code in hexadecimal 

(b) Colour code in decimal 

(c) Colour mixing model 

(d) Pixel in percentage 

(7) Which of the following is used to set a visited link in HTML code ? 

(a) alink 

(b) vlink 

(c) before link 

(d) after link  

(8) Which of the following is used to set an active link in HTML code ? 

(a) alink 

(b) vlink 

(c) before link 

(d) after link 

(9) Which of the following are two broad classes of formatting character in HTML ? 

(a) Physical and logical 

(b) Internal and external 

(c) Temporary and permanent 

(d) Head and body 

Link to Download MCQ 

Class 10th Chapter :- 2 Head and Body Section of HTML in Hindi Full video 



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