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Class 11th Chapter 13 Current Trends and Technologies


The major impact of mobility came with the availability of laptop computers and wireless communication systems.

With availability of communication technologies like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS etc. and Cellular data services like Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) and now 3rd Generation (3G) the scenario has changed completely.

This technology combined with nano technology has given rise to miniature devices. Smart phones and tablets are two such great inventions of this era.
Mobile Computing :- Smart mobile computing devices are indeed one of the game changing products of recent times.Some examples of mobile OS are Android, iOS, Symbian, Windows 8 etc.

Wi-Fi  :- Wi-Fi is a wireless networking protocol that allows a Wi-Fi enabled devices to communicate without use of physical cables.

General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) :- This technology is used to allow the mobile phone connect to the Internet.

3G and 4G :- The terms 36 and 4G refer to third and fourth generation mobile communication standards. Currently we are using 3G and 4G networking. The 3G service offers faster data transfers, up to speeds as high as 3 Mbps.

Bluetooth :- The mobile phone usage gave rise to the need of sharing data from one mobile to another. A wireless technology called Bluetooth came as a boon for exchanging data over short distances.

Satellite Phones :- The cellular mobile phones have limitation that they need to be in the range of cellular towers.A satellite phone more commonly known as satphone is one type of mobile phone.

Cloud Computing :- The cloud computing facility is available for both personal and official usage. The first type of usage is called Personal Cloud Computing. Google provides us a free drive space of 5 GB shared between Google Drive and Google+ Photos so that you can keep your files, email, and photos accessible from any device, anywhere.

Radio Frequency identification (RFID) :-The antenna is used to generate radio frequency signals within a relatively short range. The range can vary from 10 centimeters to 200 meters.

Biometrics :-Biometrics  generally involves identification of humans based on their characteristics or behaviour. These human body characteristics include fingerprints, eye retinas and irises, voice patterns, facial patterns, signature and hand measurements.

(1) The term Cloud in cloud computing represents which of the following?

(a) Wireless        (b) Hard drives       (c) People      (d) Internet

(2) Google Drive is an example of which of the following cloud types?

(a) Private Cloud   (b) Public Cloud    (c) Personal Cloud    (d) Business Cloud

(3) Which of the following isn't an advantage of cloud?

(a) No worries about running out of storage
(b) Easier to maintain a cloud network
(c) Immediate access to computing resources
(d) Paying only for what you use

(4) Which of the following is not a model of cloud computing?

(a) Paas   (b) IaaS   (c) Baas   (d) SaaS

(5) Which of the following is correct full form of SaaS?

(a) Software alternative accounting standard
(b) Short alert activation supplement
(c) Software as a service
(d) Service as a software

(6) Which of the following represents the maximum storage capacity of the microchip used in RFID?

(a) 10 bytes    (b) 2000 bytes   (c) 1000 bytes    (d) 500 bytes

(7) How many satellites does the GPS receiver require to calculate only latitude and longitude?

(a) One      (b) Two       (c) Three     (d) Four

(8) Which of the following refers to a storage device that is connected directly to a network?

(a) network attached storage
(b) storage area network
(c) direct attached storage
(d) RAID

(9) Which of the following refers to a network of storage devices that can be accessed over a network?

(a) direct attached storage    (b) RAID     (c) network attached storage   (d) storage area network

(10) Which of the following terms refer to the study that finds how effectively a machine can work with the use of sensors and actuators in dynamic environments?

(a) Kinetics   (b) Genetics   (c) Biometric    (d) Robotics

(11) Which of the following refers to a program launched in 1992 as a step towards green computing?



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