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Class 12th Chpater -7 Java Basics

Java is an object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems, a company best known for its high-end Unix workstations.

Introduction to Java Java language was developed at Sun Microsystems in 1991.  Java is small, fast, efficient, and easily portable to a wide range of hardware devices. also a general-purpose programming language for developing programs that are easily usable and portable across different platforms.

Java is an object-oriented language and here it differs from C. Using Java, we can take full advantage of object oriented methodology and its capabilities of creating flexible, modular and reusable code.

Control Structures :- In general, the statements are executed sequentially, one by one. Sometimes, program logic needs to change the flow of this sequence. The statements that enable to control the flow of are considered as control structures.

There are two types of control structures: loops and branches. Loops are used to repeat a sequence of statements over and over until some condition occurs. Branches are used to choose among two or more possible courses of action, so also called selective structure.

There are 8 basic data types supported in Java.
Data types
Java statements and expressions
Arithmetic operators
Logical operators


(1) How many basic (primitive) data types are supported in Java ?

(a) 2    (b) 4     (c) 8      (d) 16

(2) What is the default data type of floating point literal ?

(a) int     (b) long     (c) float     (d) double

(3) Which character set is used for char data type in Java?

(a) Unicode        (b) ASCII      (c) EBCIDIC      (d) All of these

(4) Which of the following is compiled error free?

(a) for(;;) {int i=7};     (b) while (1){int i=7};   (c) while (True){int i=7};   (d) All of these

(5) Which of the following is not allowed as first character in valid variable name?

(a) Underscore      (b) Digit    (c) Letter   (d) Dollar ($)

(6) Which of the following is not a basic data type in Java ?

(a) char (b) long (c) byte (d) String

(7) What is the default value of boolean type data ?

(a) null      (b) true    (c) false    (d) 0  

(8) What will be the result of arithmetic expression 7/2 ?

(a) 3     (b) 3.5     (c) 1    (d) 0
(9) What will be the result of arithmetic expression -7%2?

(a) -3    (b) -1     (c) 1     (d)-3.5

(10) What will be the result of arithmetic expression -7.5%2 ?

(a) -3    (b) -1.5    (c) 1.5    (d) Error 


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