Using I/O Operations
All programming languages allow to read input (known as input operations) and to write output (known as output operations).
Input/Output operations are more popularly known as I/O operations. The C language does not have any built-in statement to perform input and output operation.
C language does not have any built-in statement to perform input and output operation.
These data input and output operations are carried out by the standard input/output built-in library functions. So far we have used scanf() as a standard input and printf() as a standard output function in our programs.
I/O operations using functions like getchar), getch(), getso, scanfo, printf(), putcharo, putc(), puts(), etc.
To use any inbuilt function from C library, we have to include respective library of that function in the beginning of program using #include statement.
The name stdio.h stands for standard input-output header file. This header file contains various input and output operations related functions. The statement #include informs the compiler to find stdio.h file and place its contents in the beginning of our program.
getch() :- The function getch() is also used to read a character from the user.
gets(variable_name); The gets() function takes one string variable as an argument. Here variable_name is the character array.
scanf("control string", &variablel, &variable2, ....&variablen); The control string specifies the data format in which values of variables are to be stored.
The & sign is known as address of operator in C language and it specifies the memory location where the input given by user is stored.
• Escape sequence characters like \n (new line), \t(tab), \b(back space) Like scanf( ), the control string entries are separated by space and preceded by '%'. The later part of printf() contains list of variables whose values are to be printed.
Choose the correct option from the following :
(1) Which of the followings are useful in C language I/O operations ?
(a) Monitor
(b) Keyboard
(c) Mouse
(d) All of these
(2) Input in a program can be possible using which of the following device ?
(a) Keyboard
(b) Speaker
(c) Printer
(d) Monitor
(3) Which of the following is not an input functions ?
(a) getchar()
(b) getch()
(©) puts()
(d) gets()
(4) What is the output of statement: printf("%4s", "Krusha"); ?
(a) Krus
(b) usha
(c) Krusha
(d) Krush
(5) Which of the following function is more appropriate for accepting a string ?
(a) getch()
(b) gets()
(c) getchar()
(d) getc()