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class 10th chapter 3 Handling Images in HTML

   Choose the correct option from the following:

(1) Which of the following tag is used to insert a video file into an HTML document ?

(a) img
(b) image
(c) href
(d) ime

(2) As the image element does not cause a line break, it is also referred to as which of the following ?

(a) An online image
(b) An inline image
(c) An outline image
(d) Blank image

(3) Which one of the following is a valid image file format ?

(a) Img
(b) Move
(c) Mp3
(d) Png

(4) Which of the following is provided when we use alt attribute of an image ?
(a) Alternative description
(b) Alt key definition 

(c) Alternative image
(d) Alternative HTML link

(5) Which of the following attributes specify the values of height and width of the image in pixels ? (a) Img src
(b) Height and width
(c) H and V
(d) Any of the above

(6) Which of the following is not a valid image format ?

(a) Imv
(b) Png
(c) Bmp
(d) Gif

(7) Which of the following concept is used to display whole image as a link ?

(a) Image as hot spot
(b) Hot text
(c) Active link
(d) Any of this

(8) Which of the following are the two types of image maps ?

(a) Shopper side and user side
(b) Server side and client side
(c) Vendor side and supplier side
(d) All of these

(9) Which of the following tag is used to add an image map ?

(a) Image name
(b) Htemp
(c) Map
(d) Alt

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