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Class 10th Chapter 6 Data Editing and Formating in Calc


Data Editing and Formating in Calc

A spreadsheet is made up of rows and columns intersecting each other forming multiple cells

Operations such as opening a new or an existing spreadsheet, saving the spreadsheet, renaming the whole spreadsheet with save as option; renaming work sheets, adding/deleting worksheets etc. are frequently used operations on spreadsheet or work sheet level.

To open a new Calc document, that is a Calc spreadsheet, perform the following procedures.
Select File → New → Spreadsheet; from the Menu Bar.
Press CTRL + N; or

The first way is to open the Calc first and go to file menu and select open.
Select File → Open;

 To insert a worksheet using the sheet tab, perform the steps mentioned.
• Select a worksheet and right click on it;
• A vertical menu will open;

Select a cell from a column (row);
• Select Format → Column → Width or Format → Row → Height; .

Freezing a Pane
When many rows and columns are accommodated in a single worksheet, the row or column headers do not remain visible; which makes handling the data difficult.

(1) Which of the following technique arranges the data set in a particular order such as ascending or descending ?

(a) Data formatting
(b) Data validations
(c) Data filtering
(d) Data sorting

(2) Which of the following techniques can be used to allow only date values in a cell ?
(a) Data formatting
(b) Data validations
(c) Data filtering
(d) Data sorting

(3) Which of the following options when selected deletes all data validations ?

(a) Delete formatting
(b) Delete all
(c) Delete formula
(d) Delete me

(4) We can replace multiple occurrences of a word using which of the following facility
of Calc ? 

(a) Find and replace
(b) By replace only
(c) By copy command
(d) By preview command

(5) Page preview will also allow you to do which of the following setting ?

(a) Borders
(b) Margins
(c) Column and row heading
(d) All of the above

(6) Which of the following function key is used to check spelling in Calc ?

(a) F1
(b) F2
(c) F4
(d) F7

(7) Which of the following function key is used to get help in Calc ?

(a) F1
(b) F2
(c) F4
(d) F7

(8) What is the name of mechanism to arranging the data in a particular order ?

(a) Sorting
(b) Searching
(c) Filtering
(d) Validating

(9) What is the name of mechanism to filter out unnecessary data ?
(a) Sorting
(b) Searching
(c) Filtering
(d) Validating

(10) What is the name of mechanism to allow only valid data ?

(a) Sorting
(b) Searching
(c) Filtering
(d) Validating

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