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Class 10th Chapter - 9 Promblem and Promblem Solving

Chapter -9


Computer can solve variety of problems from the easiest to the most complex ones.
To solve a problem it needs to be given a complete set of instructions.
We can solve any problem using the steps mentioned:

1. Define the problem.
2. Identify the input, output and constraint of the problem.
3. Identify different alternatives of solving the problem.
4. Choose the best possible alternative from the above list.
5. Prepare detailed stepwise instruction set of the identified alternative.
6. Compute results using this instruction set.
7. Check correctness of the answer obtained.
Steps 1 to 5 are performed by person who needs the solution, while step 6 and 7 are performed by a computer.

A flowchart is a technique in which we use pictorial representation of every action that we perform within the machine process that solves a problem.

A set of symbols, showing different actions, is used to represent a flowchart.

The symbols are also called components of flowcharts.

Start and End : The Start and End components are used to show the beginning and the end of a flowchart.
eg :-
Arrow : Observe that in both figure 9.1 and 9.2 we have shown arrows coming in and going out of the symbols
eg :-

Process : Process is the core part of any solution procedure. A process is actually, a sequence of actions
eg :-

Decision : A logical decision of a process is represented by a diamond shaped symbol as shown in figure 9.4. It is also called a test symbol.    

Connector: A circle symbol is used to represent a connector. At times it is possible that a flowchart becomes to large to fit into a single page or it may not be possible to use an arrow to link two processes

1) Which of the following symbol is used to begin a flow chart ?

(a) ( Start)
(b) / Start
(C) Start Start
(d) Start

(2) Which of the following refers to a list of instructions in a proper order to solve a
problem called ?

(a) Algorithm
(b) Flowchart
(c) Sequence
(d) Roadmap

(3) Which of the following symbol is used to test conditions in a flowchart ?

(a) Diamond
(b) Circle
(c) Arrow
(d) Square

(4) Which of the following symbol is used to represent output in a flowchart ?

(a) Square
(b) Circle
(c) Parallelogram
(d) Triangle

(5) Which of the following is the standard terminal symbol for a flowchart ?

(a) Circle
(b) Diamond
(c) Rounded Rectangle
(d) Square

(6) Which of the following refers to the purpose of Algorithm and Flowchart ?

(a) Know the memory capacity
(b) Identify the base of the number system
(c) Direct the output to the printer
(d) Specify the problem completely and clearly

(7) Which of the following is not a problem solving technique ?

(a) Pseudo code
(b) Flowchart
(c) Algorithm
(d) Sequence

(8) Which of the following is a pictorial representation of a problem solving technique ?

(a) Pseudo code
(b) Flowchart
(c) Algorithm
(d) Computer program

(9)An arrow symbol in flowchart is used to show

(a) The flow of an action
(b) The sequence of action
(c) The start of actions
(d) The completion of an action

(10) Which of the following refers to the core part of any solution ?

(a) Input
(b) Output
(c) Process
(d) Algorithm

(11) Which of the following symbol represents a Process ?

(a) Rectangle
(b) Square
(c) Circle
(d) Diamond

(12) Which of the following is used to distinguish different connector pairs in flowchart ?

(a) Arrows are used
(b) Alphabets or other characters are used
(c) Circles are used
(d) Diamonds are 

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