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Class 11th Chapter :- 10 Working with table

 Class 11th Chapter :- 10 Working with table

Primary key
The table which contains primary key is known as master table.

Foreign key
It can be defined as field or combination of fields whose values are borrowed from another table. Foreign key field cannot contain a value that does not exist in its related primary key field.

Conceptually there can be three major types of relationship between any tables of the database.
• One to One
• One to Many
Many to Many

Base has very important and interesting feature called Field Properties. Field properties determine how the values in the field are stored and displayed.

Default value: Many times it may happen, that we want to store some predefined default value automatically in a particular field at the time of entering a new record in the table.

 Choose the most appropriate option from those given below :

(1) Which of the following operations cannot be performed on a record in database?
(a) Insert
(b) Delete
(c) Hide
(d) Update

(2) Which of the following represents maximum levels of sorting provided by Base

(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 6

(3) Which of the following refers to data redundancy?
(a) Deletion of data
(b) Repetition of data
(c) Decomposition of tables
(d) Relationships of tables

(4) Given a relation, Teacher Subject (Tcode, Scode, Standard), which of the following
fields can be an appropriate foreign key field?

(a) Tcode
(b) Scode
(c) Tcode,Standard
(d) Tcode, Scode

(5) Which of the following statement is incorrect?
(a) Every table must have a primary key.
(b) Primary key can be combination of fields.
(c) Data type of Primary key and Foreign key should be same.
(d) Names of Primary key and Foreign key should be same.

(6) Which of the following type of relationship exists between Student and Teacher in
a school?

(a) One to One
(b) One to Many
(c) Many to Many
(d) No relationship exists

(7) Which of the following type of relationship exists between Student and Class Teacher
in a school?

(a) One to One
(b) One to Many
(c) Many to Many
(d) No relationship exists

(8) Which of the following options are possible to implement referential integrity?
(a) No Action
(b) Set Null
(c) Delete table
(d) Update Cascade

(9) Auto Value property can be set for field with which of the following datatype?

(a) Text
(b) Image
(c) Integer
(d) Boolean
(10) Which of the following statement is true for Default field property in Base?
(a) Default value can be numeric value only.
(b) Default value once set can be changed later.
(c) Default value cannot be greater than 500.
(d) Default value should be greater than value set in Length.

(11) Which of the following property is equivalent to NOT NULL?
(a) Length
(b) Default
(c) Required
(d) Format 

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