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Chapter :-1 Applying Styles in a Document

 Chapter :-1 Applying Styles in a Document 

Select the correct option.

1. It is a predefined combination of various formatting features.

a. Paragraph   

b. Style

c. Font 

2. The Styles group is available under the _________ tab. 

a. Insert

b. Page Layout

c. Home 

3. The _______ styles are used to control all the aspects of a paragraph's appearance.

a. Character

b. Paragraph

c. Frame

4. What operation do you perform in the current document to copy a style from selection?

a. Update Style

b. Load Style

c. Modify Style

B. Write T for True and for False.

1. The Styles pane opens on the left of the window, by default. :- False 
2. The Styles pane is a floating or dockable pane. :- True 
3. Page Styles include page size, margins, headers and footers, borders, and backgrounds. :- True 
4. You cannot modify the predefined styles in Word. :- False 
5. Style set is a combination of title, heading, and paragraph styles. :- True

C. Answer the following questions,

1. What are styles? 

Ans :-
A style is a predefined combination of various formatting features, like font style, colour, and size that is applied to the selected text in a document to quickly change its appearance.

2. What is the difference between Paragraph and Character styles? 

Ans :-
Paragraph :- This style is used to control all the aspects of a paragraph's appearance, such as text alignment, tab stops line spacing, and so on.

Character :- The Character style affects the characters only, for example, it enables you to set the font and size of text, or bold and italic formats.

3. How can you apply a style to the selected text?

Ans :- 
  1. Word provides various predefined styles to apply on the text in a document. There are two methods to apply styles on the selected text.
  3. You can apply built-in styles from the Styles group of Home tab. Follow the given steps:
  4. Open blank document in Word and type the text. 
  5. Select the text on which you want to apply a style. For example, select the title of the text-"PREPARATION STRATEGY FOR EXAMS".
  6. Move the mouse pointer over the predefined styles in the Styles group of the Home tab to preview the effect
  7. of each style on the selected text. 
  8. Now, click on any desired style to apply it to the Selected text.
  9. For more style options, you can click on the More button of the Styles group.

4. How do you create a custom style?
Ans :- 
  1. You can make the changes in the style that you have created. To do this, follow the given steps:
  2. Right-click on the style that you have created from the Styles gallery. A shortcut menu appears. Select the Modify option. The Modify Style dialog box appears
  3. Make the required changes in the style such as Name, Type, Font, Size, Colour, Alignment, etc., and click on OK
  4. Select any one of the two options given at the bottom of the Modify Style dialog box, i.e., Only in this document or New documents based on this template, depending on whether you want the style to be applied to the current document only or new documents based on this template.
  5. Click on OK. The required changes will be applied to the style


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