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Chapter -1 Heritage of INDIA


1. India extends from Himalaya in the North to the Indian ocean in the South: from Bay of Bengal in the East to the Arabian sea in the West. Area-wise India ranks 7th and population wise 2nd largest country in the world.

2. Our motherland has bestowed rich and varied heritage to us and the world.

3. The values 'Sat', 'Chit and Anand are realtred from the Indian culture. Our values of non-violence and world peace have been admired by the world.

4. 'Heritage' means a valuable gift from our forefathers-ancestors. Every day in school we take pledge that I love my country and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage.

5. We divide our heritage into (1) natural heritage and (2) cultural heritage.

6. Natural heritage of India Includes mountains, forests, deserts, rivers, streams. seas, trees, plants, creepers, flowers, leaves, insects, varied landscapes, wide range of minerals, vegetation , plants and animals. Landscapes are generally formed due to different shapes of land. For example, the Himalaya.

7. Ancient Indian culture flourished on the riverbanks of the Indus and the Ravi. Rivers are the sources of drinking water, domestic use. Irrigation, electricity and waterways.

8. Banyan, Pipal trees and basil are worshipped in India. People of India love environment since ancient times. Its proof is their love and affection towards flowers, shrubs and plants.

9. Asian lions are found only in the Gir Forest of Gujarat. Tiger, peacock, alligators, and eagles have been given the status of vehicles of Gods and Goddesses. The figure of four lions, horse. and bull finds place in our national emblem. To protect the wildlife, reserves are created and laws have been enacted.

10. Cultural heritage is a man-made heritage. Whatever is received/created by human with his tact. wisdom, art and skill is called cultural heritage.

11. In Gujarat the caves of Buddlitst and Jain religion have been found at Vadnagar, Taranga. Dhank and Jhagadiya

12. Negritoit/Negro people came from Africa to India via Baluchistan. They were black in complexion, having height of four to five feet and curly hair.

13. Australoid/Nishad people came to India from the South-east Asia. Their complexion was black, had broad head, flat nose and were short in height. We find these features among the Kol and Munda tribals, Khasi tribals in
Assam, the tribals in Nicobar and Myanmar. 14. Dravidians were the original inhabitants of India. They were the direct descendants of Mohen-jo-Daro culture and Stone Age civilization. They had matriarchal family system. Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam are the Dravidian family languages.

15. Mongloids or Kirat came to India from the North China Via Tibet. They settled down in North Assam, Bhutan. Sikkim and West Bengal, Their physical features were yellow complexion, flat face, chubby cheeks and almond-shaped eyes.

16. Alpine, Dinarik and Armenoid people migrated to India from Central Asia. Their descendants are found among the tribals in Gujarat. Maharashtra, Bengal and Odisha.

17. The Nordic - Aryans were the creators of the Aryan duration in India. In ancient time, the first Aryan population was concentrated in the North-west region named "Sapta-Sindhu'. They were more developed than other contemporary tribes. They were nature lovers. They composed Richas-hymns in praise of various elements in nature. They have given India glorious and prosperous heritage.

18. Article 51 (A) states the fundamental duties of the citizens. The duties at number (6). (7) and (9) are related to preservation of our cultural heritage.

19. It is the pious duty of every citizen to ensure that no harm is caused to the ancient heritage preserve the places of historical value.


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