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Chapter :- 2 Adding Graphics in a Document

Chapter :- 2 Adding Graphics in a Document

Select the correct option.

1.You can insert a picture in a document from the __________ group of the Insert tab.

a. Arrange

b. Symbols

c. illustrations

2. __________is a collection of pictures or images that are available in Microsoft Office gallery.

a. WordArt

b. Clip Art

c. Picture

3. You can fill colour in a shape by using the ___________ option in the Shape Styles group of the Format tab.

a. Fill Shape

b. Shape Fill

c. Fill Color

4. ______________ handles are used to resize an image diagonally.  

a. Corner Handles

b. Side Handles

c. Both a and b

5. By using the ____________ dialog box, you can make changes in the picture properties.

a Format Picture

b. Properties

c. Image Properties

B. Write T for True and F for False.

1. You can draw a shape in the document by selecting any shape from the Insert tab. :- True 

2. The 'Drawing Object Properties' tab opens when you select an object. :- False

3. Drawing objects can be grouped together so that they can be treated as a single object. :- True

4. Picture alignment options are available in the Insert tab.:- False

5. You can bring any image in front of all the images by using the 'Bring Forward' option.:- True

C. Answer the following questions.

1. List the different ways of inserting images in a document. 

Ans :- 

In Word, there are several ways to insert images in a Word document.

  1. Inserting an image from a file
  2. Inserting a scanned image
  3. Inserting an image from the clipboard
  4. Inserting an image from Clip Art
  5. Inserting an image using drag and drop method

2. Why do you group images? 

Ans :- 

It is often convenient to group shapes together so that they can be treated as a single be formatted in a way similar to an individual object.

3. How can you wrap an image with text? 

Ans :- 

Wrapping text means surrounding an image or a drawing object within the text. The Wrap Text option is used for this purpose. It is available in the Arrange group of the Format tab. Various options are available in the Wrap Text drop-down menu. Type of Wrap Text

  1. In Line with Text:
  2. Square:
  3. Tight:
  4. Behind Text
  5. Top and Bottom:
  6. In Front of Text

4. What is Clip Art? 

Ans :- 

Clip Art is a collection of pictures or images that are available in Microsoft Office gallery.

Link to Download Chapter :- 2


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