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Chapter :- 2 Getting Stared with Python

 Chapter :- 2 Getting Stared with Python


Python was developed by Guido Von Rossum in February 1991.

Python offers following advantages

easy to use , expressive , free and open source, complete ,cross-platform

Python also has these limitations: 

Not the fastest language , Not strong on Type-binding ,Lesser libraries than C, Java, Perl.

In Python, one can work in two different ways: (1) Interactive mode, (2) Script mode.

Popular Python distributions are CPython (default), Anaconda distribution etc. 

Popular Python IDEs are Python IDLE, Spyder IDE, Jupyter Notes, Pycharm IDE etc.

Interactive mode is suitable for testing code.

Interactive mode does not save commands in form of a program and also, output is sandwiched between commands.

Script mode is useful for creating programs and then run the programs later and get complete output

Python is an interpreted language.

Python's interactive interpreter is also called Python Shell.

Answer the Following Question..........

(1). Who developed Python Programming Language ?

SOLUTION. Guido Van Rossum in 1990s developed Python programming language.

(2). Is Python an Object Oriented language? 

SOLUTION. Yes, Python is an Object Oriented language.

(3). Python is an interpreted high level language". What does it mean to you?

SOLUTION. Python is a high level language' means it is programmer-friendly fr., easy to program and comprehend. 'Python is an interpreted language' means it requires an interpreter (not compiler) to execute its code line by line-one statement at a time.

(4). What does a cross platform language mean?

SOLUTION. A cross platform language means it can run well on variety of platforms like Windows, Linux/Unix, Macintosh etc. etc.

(5). Python is a Free and Open Source language. What do you understand by this feature?

SOLUTION. It means to download Python, one needs not pay anything, because it is Free. And its source-code is also available, which can be modified/improved etc., because it is open-source. 

(6). What is the difference between interactive mode and script made in Python?

SOLUTION. In interactive mode, instructions are given in front of Python prompt (eg. >>> or In[]prompts) in Python Shell. Python carries out the given instruction and shows the result there itself. In script mode, Python instructions are stored in a file generally with .py extension and are executed together in one go as a unit. The saved instructions are known as Python script or Python program.

Class 11 Chapter 2 Getting started with Python. 

Link to download Chapter :-2 



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