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Class 11th Chapter :- 1 COMPUTER SYSTEM

 Class 11th Chapter :- 1  COMPUTER SYSTEM


Computers can deliver performance because of an efficiem combination of hardware and software. 

While hardheare refers to physical electronic component of a computer, software represent the recorded instructions/software that govern in operation.

Computer organization refers to logical structure of a computer describing their interconnections and work dependency

The functional components of a computer include: Inpur unit, CPU, Memory, Storage Unit, Output Unit 

The Input unit is responsible for obtaining Input from user and converting it to digital form.

The CPU (Central Processing Unit) processes the received input as per a set of instructions and produces output

The CPU has these sub-components: ALU, Control Unit and Registers.

The ALU (Arithmetic of Logic Unit) is responsible for carrying our arithmetic operations and logic operations (eg, comparing two values) 

The Control Unit controls or supervises the processing taking place. 

Registers are small data holding areas within CPU that hold data, instructions and memory address during the processing. 

The main memory or memory holds the data and programs for the processing. 

Main memory can either be ROM or RAM

ROM is read only memory that stores some prewritten instructions. 

RAM is Random access memory that can be read and written and is used for manipulating data during processing.

The primary memory (RAM) a volatile in nature as all contents are crased as soon as power goes off.

The cache memory is a special high speed memory storing the most recently accessed data.

The storage unit stores the contents permanently

Major storage devices are hard disks, CD, DVD, flash drive, SSD and Blue-Ray discs. 

A mobile system handles complex types of operation including input, output and processing.

The software that controls internal computer operations is called system software. 

An operating system is a program which acts as an interface between the user and the hardware.

A language processor converts a program written in high level language to machine language.

Application software is a set of programs necessary to carry out operations for a specified application.

Utility programs assist the computer in maintaining its performance. Some of the utilities are: text editors, backup utilities, compression utilities, disk defragmentors, and antivirus software.

Customized software is sailor made software according to user's requirements. 

Open source software is the one whose source code is available.

Answer the Following Question.................

1.State the basic units of the computer Name the subunits that make up the CPU, and give the function of each of the units. 

SOLUTION :-  The basic units of a computer are

1. Input unit

2. Central Processing Unit (CPU)

3. Output Unit

4. Memory

The CPU has tuss subunits: the control unit (CU) and the arithmetic logic unit (ALU),

The control unit controls the entire operation being carried out. 

The ALU performs the arithmetic and logical operations

2.Give examples for each of system software and application software. Explain the function of each type.

SOLUTION :- Examples of system software are:

(i) Operating system (ii) Language Processor (iii) Application Software

Examples of Operation System are: Windows 10, Ubuntu Linux, MacOS etc. 

Operating system governs functions of a computer system and acts as interface between the hardware and the user.

The examples of language processors are: 

(i) Interpreter (ii) Compiler (iii) Assembler

An interpreter converts and executes an HLL program into object program line by line whereas a compiler converts an HLL program into object program in one go and once the program is error free, it can be executed later. An assembler converts an assembly language program into object program.

Examples of application software are: (i) Customised Software (ii) General software. The customised software pertains to the requirements of a specific user for whom the software has been developed. General software is developed keeping in mind general specifications of a problem.

3.What is the difference between RAM and ROM? 

SOLUTION:- RAM refers to random access memory where both read and write operations can take place. But the RAM is a volatile memory; its contents are lost when power is turned off. 

ROM refers to read only memory where only read operation can take place. The ROM is a non-volatile memory.

Both RAM and ROM are parts of the primary memory. 

4. What is Data capturing?

SOLUTION :- Obtaining data and converting it into digital form is called data capturing. It is done by the input devices.

5. What are various categories of software?

SOLUTION :- There are broadly two categories of software:

1. System Software. This type of software controls internal computer operations. software can further be classified in the categories

(i) Operating System an interface between a user and the hardware.

(ii) Language Processor responsible for converting an HLL code into machine code. 

(iii) System Utilities carry out housekeeping functions for a computer.

(iv) Device Drivers store instructions to drive and use different hardware devices.

2 Application Software. An application software is the set of programs necessary to carry out operations for a specified application.

6. What is the difference between an interpreter and a compiler?

SOLUTION :- An interpreter converts an HLL program into machine language line by line and simultaneously executes the converted line. If an error occurs in a line, the line is displayed and interpreter does not proceed unless the error is rectified.

A compiler converts an HLL program in machine language in one go. If there are errors in the program, it gives the error

list along with the line numbers. Once the errors are removed, object code is made available and after this compiler is no more needed in the memory.

7. Describe the terms free software and open source software.

SOLUTION:- Free software is the software free of cost, which can be copied, modified and redistributed as well but whose source code is not available. Open source software, on the other hand, is the software, whose source code is available and which can be copied, modified and redistributed as well. There may or may not be charges payable for open source software.

8. Write examples of one Proprietary and one Open Source Software.

SOLUTION:- Open source software: Linux: Proprietary software: Microsoft Windows 10.

9. Name one open source Indian operating system.


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