Class 11th Chapter -4 Data Handling
1.Atom :- Something that has a value
2.Coercion :-implicit Type Conversion
3.Expression :- Valid combination of operators and atoms
4.Explicit Type Conversion :- Forced data type conversion by the User
5.Immutable Type :- A type whose value is not changeable in place.
6.Implicit Type Conversion :- Automatic Internal Conversion of data type lower to higher type by Python.
7.Mutable Type :- A type whose value a changeable in place
8.Operator :- Symbol/word that triggers on action or operation
9.Type Costing :-Explicit Type Conversion
Answer the following Question.....
1. What are data types ? What are Python's built-in core data types ?
The real life data is of many types. So to represent various types of real-life data, programming languages provide ways and facilities to handle these, which are known as data types, Python's built-in core data types belong to
Numbers (integer, floating-point, complex numbers, Booleans)
2.Which data types of Python handle Numbers?
SOLUTION Python provides following data types to handle numbers
(i) Integers
(ii) Boolean
(iii) Floating-point numbers
(iv) complex numbers
3. Why is Boolean considered a subtype of integers?
SOLUTION Boolean values True and False internally map to integers 1 and 0. That is, internally True is considered equal to 1 and False equal to 0 (zero). When I and 0 are converted to Boolean through bool() function, they return True and False. That is why Booleans are treated as a subtype of integers.
4.What do you understand by term 'immutable?
Immutable means unchangeable. In Python, immutable types are those whose values cannot be changed in place. Whenever one assigns a new value to a variable referring to immutable type, variable's reference is changed and the previous value is left unchanged. e.g.
5. What do you mean by Syntax errors and Semantics errors?
Syntax errors are the errors that occur when rules of a programming language violated.
Semantics errors occur when statements are not meaningful.
6.Why are logical errors harder to locate?
In spite of logical errors presence, the program executes without any problems but the output produced is not correct. Therefore, each and every statement of the program needs to b scanned and interpreted. Thus the logical errors are harder to locate.
7. What is an Exception?
Exception in general refers to some contradictory or unusual situation which can be encountered unexpectedly while executing a program.