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Chapter 3 :- Input and Output Devices

 Chapter 3 :- Input and Output Devices


The devices that allow such input and output are known as input/ output devices in short I/O devices) or peripherals.

Input/output devices are means of communication between the user and computer. 

Input Devices :- 

An input device is a device that provides input to the computer. The most common input devices are keyboard and mouse. 

Following is the list of different input devices used with computers: 

1. Keyboard 

2. Point and draw devices 

3. Scanning devices 

4. Electronic card based devices 

5. Speech recognition devices 

6. Vision based devices

Output Devices :- 

Computer calculated results must be provided to its users. The devices that provide output to the users are called output devices.

Following list presents different output devices: 

1 Monitor 

2 Printer 

3 Projector 

4 Plotter 

5 Voice response

Choose the most appropriate option from those given below: 

(1) Which of the following refers to data and instructions that are given to computer ? 

(a) Input 

(b) Output 

(c) Both input and output 

(d) Processing 

(2) Which of the following is the other name of Input/Output devices ? 

(a) Properties 

(b) Peripherals 

(c) Parts 

(d) None of these 

(3) A keyboard is considered as which of the following device? 

(a) An input 

(b) An output 

(c) Both input and output 

(d) Processing 

(4) A keyboard works on which of the following concepts ? 

(a) Point and draw 

(b) Text entry 

(c) Visual 

(d) Virtual 

(5) A mouse can also be used as which of the following device? 

(a) An input 

(b) An output 

(c) Processing 

(d) Any of these 

(6) Which of the following refers to the mouse ? 

(a) Point and draw device 

(b) Text based device 

(c) Visual device 

(d) Virtual device 

(7) Which of the following is a standard coding system for product price and other information related to the product ? 

(a) Universal product code 

(b) Uniform print code 

(c) Universal print code 

(d) Uniform product code 

(8) Which of the following is the process of recognizing characters written with special magnetic ink? 

(a) Multipurpose ink character recognition 

(b) Magnetic ink character recognition 

(c) Multifold character recognition 

(d) Multifold ink character recognition 

(9) Which of the following technologies do flat monitors use ? 

(a) CRT 

(b) LCD 

(c) LED 

(d) Both b and c 

Chapter 3 :- Input and Output Devices (Video)

Link to Download Chapter :-



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