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Chapter 4 Using a Table of Content

 Chapter 4 Using a Table of Content

A. Select the correct option.

1. What does TOC stand for?
(a)Term of Content 
(b)Table of Content 
(c)Table of Component 

2.Which tab has the Table of Contents' option?

3. You can specify the hierarchy level of headings in your table of contents by using the______ option.
(a)Set heading
(b)Set level
(c)Show levels

4. By default, Word uses __________ levels of headings as the hierarchy level.

B. Fill in the blanks.
1. The Table of Contents (TOC) consists of heading and sub-heading  of a book.
2. Word generates all the entries automatically as Table of Content   in the TOC 
3.Usually, a Table of Contents is inserted after the page number  in a document.
4. Tab leader are the lines that join the topics and sub-topics to the page numbers.

C. Answer the Following Question
1. What is TOC?
Ans :- . A table of contents acts as a map for the users, it allows them to find the information in the document using chapter names and page numbers.

2. List any two characteristics of a good TOC.
Ans :- A good table of contents has the following characteristics:
(a)It should be easy to read and simple to use.
(b)It should be organised and formatted properly.

3. What do you mean by hierarchy of headings?
Ans :- To create a table of contents, you must use appropriate styles for the headings in your document. For example, Headre style for the first level headings, Heading 2 style for the second level heading, and so on. You can also define th hierarchy of headings in a document

4. How can you update an existing TOC?
Word does not update the TOC automatically. You need to update the TOC every time document.
To update TOC, follow these steps:
Click anywhere in the TOC.
Click on the References tab  and select the of Contents group Update Table option from the Table The Update Table tab appears on the top-left corner of the TOC. Click on it.
Right-click on the table of contents and select the Update field option from the context menu
Select the Update entire table option and click on OK
Word will update the TOC to reflect the changes in the document.

Chapter 4 :- Table of Content 


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