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Class 12th Chapter :- 11 Societal Impacts

Class 12th Chapter :- 11  Societal Impacts 

Answer the Following Question 

1. What is digital footprint?

Solution :- 

A digital footprint is the record or trail left by the things one does online. The social media activity, the information on personal website, the browsing activities, online subscriptions, any photo galleries and videos uploaded by a user-essentially, any activity carried out on the Internet makes the digital footprint of a user.

2. Why is it important to have positive digital footprint ?

Solution :- 

  • It is very important to have a clean and secure digital footprint because:
  • It gives us a digital persona by defining our online behaviour.
  • The digital footprint is often used by universities before approving admissions to a student. The digital footprint is also used by future employers, and law enforcement offices, to find people with and clean digital footprint. 
  • The digital footprint should not provide personal information as it could be misinterpreted or misused for theft of identity.
3. What are intellectual property rights?

Solution :- 

Intellectual property rights are the rights of the owner of information to decide how much information is to be exchanged, shared or distributed. Also it gives the owner a right to decide the price for doing (exchanging/sharing/ distributing) so.

 4.Why should intellectual property rights be protected?

Solution :-

 The intellectual property rights must be protected because protecting them  

encourages individuals and businesses to create new software and new software applications, as well as improving existing applications, 

ensures new ideas and technologies are widely distributed, promotes investment in the national economy,

5. What do you understand by plagiarism ? Why is it a punishable offence?

Solution :-  Plagiarism is the act of using or stealing someone else's intellectual work, ideas etc and passing it as your own work, In other words, plagiarism is a failure in giving credit to its source. alarm is a fraud and violation of Intellectual property rights. Since intellectual property holds a legal entity status, violating its owner's right is a legally punishable offence.

6. What is digital property? Give some examples of digital properties

Solution :-  Digital property (or digital assets) refers to any information about you or created by you that exists digital form, either online or on an electronic storage device.

Examples of digital  include any online personal accounts (email/social media accounts gaming accounts, online storage accounts) and personal websites and blogs: domain names registered in your name: intellectual properties etc. 

7. Describe the terms free software and open source software. Write examples of one Proprietary and one OSS Software. 

Solution :- 

Free software is the software free of cost, which can be copied, modified and redistributed as well but whose source code is not available. Open source software, on the otherhand, is the software. whose source code is available and which can be copied, modified and redistributed as well. There may or may not be charges payable for open source software. Open Source Software: Linux: Proprietary Software: Microsoft Windows 

8. Expand the following terms: () OSS () SDLC (ii) GNU (i) FLOSS.

Solution :- 

(i) OSS. Open Source Software. 

(ii) GNU. GNU is Not Unix.

(iii) SDLC System Development Life Cycle. 

(iv) FLOSS. Free Libre/Livre and Open Source Software.

9. Compare freeware and Shareware.
Solution :- 
Freeware is computer software that is available for use at no cost or for an optional fee Freeware is generally proprietary software available at zero price and is not free software. The author usually restricts one or more rights to copy, distribute and make derivative works of the software.

Shareware is usually offered as a trial version with certain features only available after the license is
purchased, or as a full version, but for a trial period. Once the trial period has passed, the program
may stop running until a license is purchased. Shareware is often offered without support, updates,
or help menus, which only become available with the purchase of a license. The words "free trial" or
"trial version" are indicative of shareware.

10. Differentiate between open source and open data.
The term 'open source' is applicable to software, which means source code of a software is freely available and user can make changes in it and reuse it. The term 'open data' is applicable to data that is freely available for everyone to use without any
licensing or copyright requirements.

11.As a citizen of India, what advise you should give to others for e-waste disposal ? 
How should one dispose off the E-waste?

E-wastes should not be given to unauthorized vendors/buyers. The respective pollution control boards in different states, authorize agencies to collect e-waste from generators. The dealers should have valid consent and authorization. This authorization is given based on the competency of the recycler, infrastructure and other factors as decided by the regulatory authorities.

12.What are the freedoms that a free software must provide ?

According to the Free Software Definition free software must fulfill four freedoms (1) The freedom to run the program, for any purpose
(ii) The freedom to study how the program works, and adapt it to your needs. Access to the source code is a precondition for this.
(iii) The freedom to redistribute copies. (iv) The freedom to improve the program, and release your improvements to the public, so that the whole community benefits. Access to the source code is a precondition for this.

13. Describe following Cybercrimes: (a) Cyber Bullying (b) Cyber Stalking

Solution :- 
Cyber bullying refers to act of online harassment of someone by using online tools such as Internet, email, instant messages, chat rooms or social networking sites etc. Cyber trolling, which means posting of sarcastic, demeaning or insulting comments about someone, is also considered form of cyber bullying.

Cyber Stalking refers to online stalking where someone uses Internet, chat rooms, social networking
sites, emails etc. to stalk his/her victim. Cyber stalker follows the victim online everywhere and
keeps posting/sending something which are unsolicited.


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