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Chapter 1 :- Power Sharing

 Chapter 1 :- Power Sharing

1. What is the population of Belgium ?

(a) over one crore
(b) under one crore
(c) Two crore
(d) over two crore

2. What percent of population lived in Flemish region  and speak Dutch in Belgium?
(a) 29
(b) 40
(c) 79
(d) 59

3. What percent of Brussels speaks Dutch in Belgium?
(a) 20
(b) 40
(c) 60
(d) 80

4. __ People of ___ region of Belgium spoke French?
(a) 40 %, Wallonia
(b) 70%, Flemish
(c) 65%, Sinhala
(d) 15%, Tamil

5. ____community is relatively rich and powerful in 
(a) French speaking
(b) Sinhala-speakers
(c) Dutch-speaking
(d) Tamil speakers

6. Sri Lanka is an island nation, just a few kilometres from the Southern coast of ____
(a) Goa
(b) Kerala
(c) Tamil Nadu
(d) Lakshadweep

7. When power is shared among legislative executive and judiciary in democracy it is known as?
(a) horizontal distribution of power
(b) vertical distribution of power
(c) federalism

8. Belgium is a small country in Europe, smaller in area 
than the state of Haryana. it has borders with ___, 
___, ___ and ___.
(a) Netherlands, Germany
(b) France, Luxembourg
(c) Germany, France
(d) Luxembourg, France, Germany, Netherland

9. Belgium is a ___ country in Europe, ___ in area 
than the state of Haryana. It has border with France, 
Netherlands, Germany and Luxembourg.
(a) small, bigger
(b) small, Smaller
(c) big, bigger
(d) big, smaller

10. Which is not correct reason to led the tension between Dutch speaking people in Belgium in 1950-1960’s ?
(a) The primary cause which led to the tension 
between the Dutch-speaking people and Frenchspeaking people was the economic inequality.
(b) Dutch-speaking people were in majority and the 
French-speaking people were in minority.
(c) The French-speaking people were poor and not 
powerful while the Dutch-speaking people were 
rich and more powerful.
(d) the disparity was a result of the minority 
population of Dutch-speaking people in the 
capital and majority in the country

11. What is the population of Sri Lanka in 2020?
(a) over one crore
(b) under one crore
(c) Two crore
(d) over two crore

12. The major social groups of Sri Lanka are ______.
(a) Sinhalse and Dutch
(b) Dutch and SriLankan Tamils
(c) French and Dutch
(d) Sinhalse and Sri Lankan Tamils

13. The population of Sri Lanka is divided into ___________.
(a) Sinhala 55 % and Tamil 45%.
(b) Sinhala 68 % and Tamil 25%.
(c) Sinhala 74 % and Tamil 18%.
(d) Sinhala 80 % and Tamil 15%.

14. Which one of the following communities is not related 
to Sri Lanka? 
(a) Dutch
(b) Sri Lankan Tamils
(c) Sinhalese
(d) Indian Tamils

15. In Srilanka Most of the Sinhala speaking people are ____, while most of the Tamils are ____ or____.
(a) Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims
(b) Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims
(c) Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus
(d) Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists

16. Buddhism is the official religion of____.
(a) Sri Lanka
(b) Pakistan
(c) Indonesia
(d) England

17. In Srilanka there are about ___percent Christians, who are both tamil and sinhala.
(a) 10
(b) 15
(c) 7
(d) 12

18. The religion which is practiced by 7 percent of Srilankan population is____.
(a) Hinduism
(b) Buddhism
(c) Christianity
(d) Islam

19. When Sri Lanka emerged as an independent country?
(a) 1940
(b) 1956
(c) 1948
(d) 1984

20. Act of ____, recognised Sinhala as the official 
language by disregarding Tamil.
(a) 1940
(b) 1956
(c) 1948
(d) 1984

21. What kind of measures were adopted in Sri Lanka 
after independence to establish Sinhala supremacy 
(Delhi 2009) in the government?
(a) Economic measures
(b) Majoritarianism measures
(c) Political measures
(d) D) None of the above

22. Sri Lankan government followed preferential policies 
for Sinhalas in____
(a) Government jobs 
(b) University positions 
(c) Both (a) and (b) 
(d) None of the above

23. The state that protects and fosters Buddhism is ____.
(a) Nigeria
(b) Finland
(c) Sri Lanka
(d) Belgium

24. The major objective of LTTE in Sri Lanka was to ____.
(a) Establish autonomy for Buddhist people
(b) Attain independence for Christians
(c) End Sinhala rule
(d) Demand separate homeland for Tamils

25.The major cause of the civil war in Sri Lanka was 
the distrust between the two communities namely 
(a) Sri Lankan Tamils and the Indian Tamils
(b) Hindus and Muslims
(c) Sinhalas and Moors
(d) Sinhalas and the Tamils.

26. Which term is correct for the distrust between two communities turned into widespread conflict?
(a) civil war
(b) Religious war.
(c) absolute war
(d) World War

27. When did civil war in Sri Lanka end?
(a) 1983
(b) 2000
(c) 2009
(d) 1991

28. Between 1970 and 1993, how many times the Belgian’s amended their constitution so as to work out an arrangement that would enable everyone to live together within the same country?
(a) Two times
(b) Three times
(c) Four times
(d) Five times

29. Constitution of Belgium prescribes that the number of Dutch and French speaking ministers shall be____ in the central government.
(a) Unequal
(b) Equal
(c) According to the population
(d) According to the will of the prime minister

30. Which was not the provision of Belgium Constitution?
(a) Constitution prescribes that the number of 
Dutch and French speaking ministers shall be 
equal in the central govt.
(b) Some special laws require the support of majority 
of members from each linguistic group.
(c) Brussels have a separate govt. in which both 
communities have equal representation.
(d) The community govt. has no power regarding 
culture, education and language.

31. The capital of Belgium is ___.
(a) Walloon
(b) Brussels
(c) Paris
(d) Melbourne

32. Who does not elect the Community Government in 
(a) Dutch speaking people
(b) French speaking people
(c) German speaking people
(d) Sinhala leaders

33. Which of the following country has the headquarters 
of the European Union?
(a) USA
(b) France
(c) Belgium
(d) Australia

34. Which of the following was not similar between Sri 
Lanka and Belgium?
(a) Both nations have small geographical area
(b) Both nations have small populations
(c) Both nations faced ethnic problems.
(d) Both formed a community government

35. Imposing the will of majority community over others 
may look like an attractive option in the short run, 
but in the long run it undermines the ____.
(a) Economic interests of the nation
(b) political interests of the nation
(c) economic interests of the minority.
(d) unity of the nation

36. A legitimate government is one where_____.
(a) Citizens participate to acquire a stake in the 
(b) Citizen have unequal rights
(c) Majority rules over minority
(d) Minorities are provided with special privileges

37. Prudential reason of power sharing is based on 
careful calculation of _______.
(a) Gains and losses
(b) money and man power
(c) Profit and gains
(d) Gains and losses

38. Belgium Shares borders with France, the Netherlands, 
Germany and ____?
(a) Norway
(b) England
(c) Luxembourg
(d) Italy

39. In the capital city Brussels, 80 percent people 
(a) French
(b) Dutch
(c) German
(d) English

40. 20 % of the people of Brussels Speak___?
(a) Dutch
(b) English
(c) German
(d) Italian

41. Brussels presented a special problem: What was it?
(a) Dutch-speaking people constituted a minority in 
the country, but a majority in the capital
(b) Dutch-speaking people constituted a majority in 
the country, but a minority in the capital
(c) Other foreign languages were seeping in
(d) English was becoming dominant

42. What percentage of Srilankan population is Tamil 
(a) 50%
(b) 20%
(c) 18%
(d) 16%

43. The people whose forefathers came from India to Srilanka as plantation workers during the colonial period are called___.
(a) Sri Lankan Tamils
(b) Indian Tamils
(c) Tamil Indians
(d) Indian Sri Lankans

44. Most of the Sinhalese Speaking people in Srilanka 
(a) Hindus
(b) Christians
(c) Muslims
(d) Buddhists

45. When did Sri Lanka emerge as an independent 
(1) 1949
(2) 1950
(3) 1948
(4) 1951

46. In____an Act was passed to recognise Sinhalese as 
the only official language, thus disregarding Tamil. 
The governments followed preferential policies that 
favoured Sinhalese applicants for university positions 
and government jobs?
(1) 1956
(2) 1957
(3) 1958
(4) 1959

47. All these government measures, coming one after the 
other, gradually increased the ___among the Sri 
Lankan Tamils.
(a) Protests
(b) Favouritism
(c) Feeling of alienation
(d) Subordination

48. By the 1980s several political organisations were 
formed demanding ____.
(a) Certain rights
(b) Independent Tamil Eelam (state)
(c) Sovereign State
(d) Priority in Jobs for Tamils

49. When did the Civil War of Sri Lanka end?
(a) 2010
(b) 2009
(c) 2005
(d) 2011

50. How many times was the constitution of Belgium 
amended between 1970 and 1993?
(a) Three times
(b) Two times
(c) Four times
(d) Once


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