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Chapter :- 1 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

 Chapter :-  1 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe 

Multiple Choice Question. 

1. When did the French Revolution started?

(a) 1789

(b) 1879

(c) 1880

(d) 1769

2. In 1789, France was a full fledged territorial state 

under the rule of ____

(a) a federal republic

(b) an absolute monarch

(c) a democratic ruler

(d) None of these

3. A government or system of rule that has no restraints 

on the powers exercised is called-

(a) Absolutist

(b) Utopian

(c) Democratic

(d) Conservatist

4. A ‘Utopian Society’ is ---

(a) A society under a benevolent monarchy

(b) A society that is unlikely to ever exist

(c) A society under the control of a chosen few wise 


(d) A society under Parliamentary Democracy

5. Which of the following revolution is called as the first 

expression of ‘Nationalism’?

(a) French revolution

(b) Russian revolution

(c) Glorious revolution

(d) The revolution of liberals

6. Which of the following was NOT visualised by  Frederic Sorrieu in his first print of series of four prints made up of ‘Democratic and social republic’?

(a) The people of America and Europe men and 

women of all ages.

(b) Social classes marching on a long train

(c) Offering homage to the statue of unity.

(d) None of the above

7. Choose the correct nationality of the artist Frederic Sorrieu who visualized in his painting a society made up of Democratic and Social Republic.

(a) German

(b) Swiss

(c) French

(d) American

8. Sorrieu’s vision of society which is so idealistic that is unlikely to exist is called _____

(a) Utopian

(b) Absolutist

(c) Democratic

(d) Conservatist

9. Which one of the following statements is true about nation-states?

(a) Citizens share a common sense of shared identity 

or history.

(b) Nation-state is a state ruled by one absolute 


(c) Commonness is forged through linguistic factor 


(d) Nation-states are directly ruled by the people 

and based on heterogenization of society.

10. Select the correct definition to define the term ‘Plebiscite’.

(a) Plebiscite is a direct vote by which only the female members of a region are asked to accept or reject a proposal.

(b) Plebiscite is a direct vote by the male members of 

a region are asked to accept or reject a proposal.

(c) Plebiscite is a direct vote by only a chosen few from the total population of a particular region to accept or reject a proposal.

(d) Plebiscite is a direct vote by which all the citizens of a region are asked to accept or reject a proposal.

11. Ernst Renan believed that the existence of nations is a necessity because

(a) It ensures protection to all inhabitants.

(b) It ensures liberty to all inhabitant citizens.

(c) It ensures Parliamentary form of government to its inhabitants.

(d) It ensures jobs and good health to all its inhabitants.

12. A _______ was one in which the majority of its citizens came to develop a common sense of identity and shared history of descent.

(a) City-state

(b) Nation-state

(c) Multinational-state

(d) Totalitarian-state

13. As defined by Ernst Renan, a nation has to have certain attributes. Which one of the following is not among the stated attributes ?

(a) A long past of devotion

(b) A set of common objects of glorification

(c) A will to perform great deeds together

(d) A common language

14. When did the Greek struggle for independence begin?

(a) 1848

(b) 1842

(c) 1821

(d) 1896

15. When did the war of independence begin in Greece?

(a) 1821

(b) 1815

(c) 1847

(d) 1849

16. Which English poet participated in the freedom 

struggle movement in Greece?

(a) Lord Byron

(b) Bourbon

(c) Metternich

(d) Philippe

17. Which Treaty recognised Greece as an independent nation?

(a) Treaty of Constantinople

(b) Treaty of Utrecht

(c) Treaty of St. Louis

(d) Treaty of Peace and Amity

18. What is Romanticism?

(a) A cultural movement

(b) Social movement

(c) Front movement

(d) Political movement

19. Who popularised Mazurka in Poland?

(a) Delacroix 

(b) Karol Kurpinski

(c) Johann Gottfried 

(d) Lord Byron

20. Who designed the cover of German almanac?

(a) Andreas Rebmann 

(b) Karol Kurpinski 

(c) Johann Gottfried 

(d) Bourbon 

21. Who were called Junkers of Prussia?

(a) prussia 

(b) Germans 

(c) large landowners 

(d) army

22. Who led the famous Expedition of the Thousand to 

South Italy?

(a) Giuseppe Garibaldi

(b) Mazzini

(c) Metternich

(d) Ottoman

23. What emphasised the notion of a united community enjoying equal rights under a constitution?

(a) la patrie (the fatherland) and le citoyen (the citizen)

(b) French people in common

(c) French Flag

(d) France under Napoleon

24. What was the new name of the Estates General?

(a) Federal Assembly

(b) States Assembly

(c) National Assembly

(d) Peoples Assembly

25. Regional dialects were discouraged and ______, became the common language of the nation.

(a) English

(b) Polish language

(c) French

(d) Italian

26. What actions were not taken in the name of the 

nation during French revolution?

(a) Army was formed

(b) Social work was done

(c) Hymns were composed, oaths taken and martyrs commemorated, custom duties were abolished

(d) A centralised administrative system was introduced

27. The French revolutionaries declared that the mission 

and destiny of the French nation was___

(a) To conquer the people of Europe

(b) To liberate the people of Europe from despotism.

(c) To strengthen absolute monarchies in all the countries of Europe.

(d) To propagate the culture of France.

28. With the outbreak of the revolutionary wars, the French armies began to carry the idea of _______ abroad ?

(a) Revolution

(b) Napoleon

(c) Nationalism

(d) Conservatism

29. Who destroyed democracy in France through a 

return to monarchy?

(a) Duke Metternich

(b) King Louis Philippe

(c) King Louis XVI

(d) Napoleon Bonaparte

30. Civil Code was introduced in the year of ___.

(a) 1809

(b) 1807

(c) 1805

(d) 1804

31. The Civil Code of 1804 in France is usually known as-

(a) The French Revolutionary Code

(b) Napoleonic Code

(c) European Imperial Code

(d) The French Civil Code

32. Which of the following reform/s was/were introduced 

by Napoleon?

(a) Standardized system of weights and measures

(b) A common national currency

(c) Abolition of the feudal system

(d) All of the above

33. Among which classes did the idea of national unity following the abolition of aristocratic privileges gained popularity ?

(a) Aristocrats

(b) Peasants

(c) Liberal middle class

(d) None of the above

34. Which among the following best signifies the idea of liberal nationalism of nineteenth century Europe?

(a) Emphasis on social justice

(b) State planned socio economic system

(c) Freedom for individual and equality before law

(d) Supremacy of state oriented nationalism

35. The term ‘Universal Suffrage’ means-

(a) The right to vote and get elected, granted only to men.

(b) The right to vote for all adults.

(c) The right to vote and get elected, granted exclusively to property owning men.

(d) The right to vote and get elected, granted only to educated men and women.

36. What is the meaning of term liberalism in the economic sphere?

(a) Freedom for individual and equality before law

(b) State planned socio economic system

(c) Freedom of market and abolition of state imposed restrictions on trade.

(d) All of the above

37. A custom union that was formed in 1834 at the initiative of Prussia and joined by most of the German states was called-

(a) Zollverein

(b) Utopian

(c) Plebiscite

(d) All of these

38. Which of the following was not the feature of the Zollverein?

(a) A custom union formed at the initiative of Prussia.

(b) The union abolished the tariff barriers

(c) Reduced the number of currencies from thirty to three

(d) An example of unified economic territory

39. For what purpose Vienna Congress was convened in 1815?

(a) To declare completion of German Unification.

(b) To restore conservative regime in Europe

(c) To declare war against France

(d) To start the process of Italian unification

40. Which of the following is not a feature or belief of ‘Conservatism’?

(a) Conservatives believe in established, traditional institutions of state and policy

(b) Conservatives stressed the importance of tradition and preferred gradual development to quick change.

(c) Conservatives proposed to return to the society of pre-revolutionary days and were against the ideas of modernisation to strengthen monarchy.

(d) Conservatives believed in the monarchy, church, and other social hierarchies.

41. Who hosted the the congress at Vienna ?

(a) Louis Philippe

(b) Giuseppe Mazzini

(c) Duke Metternich

(d) Johann Gottfried Herder

42. Which of the following countries did not attend the Congress of Vienna?

(a) Britain

(b) Russia

(c) Switzerland

(d) Prussia

43. Which of the following was not the objective of 

Treaty of Vienna 1815 ?

(a) The Bourbon dynasty was restored to power.

(b) France lost the territories it had annexed under Napoleon.

(c) A series of states were set up on the boundaries of France to prevent French expansion in future.

(d) The main intention was to restore the liberal 

democratic order that had been overthrown by Napoleon.

44. Who among the following formed the secret society called ‘Young Italy’?

(a) Otto von Bismarck

(b) Giuseppe Mazzini

(c) Metternich

(d) Johann Gottfried Herder

45. The Italian revolutionary Giuseppe Mazzini was born at _________ in 1807 ?

(a) Genoa

(b) Carbonari

(c) Marseilles

(d) Berne

46. “When France sneezes, the rest of Europe catches cold.” Who among the following said this popular line?

(a) Giuseppe Mazzini

(b) Duke Metternich

(c) Otto Von Bismarck

(d) Giuseppe Garibaldi

47. What were the consequences of the July revolution of 1830 ?

(a) A constitutional monarchy with Louis Philippe at its head was installed in France

(b) Uprising in Brussels took place which led to Belgium breaking away from the United Kingdom of the Netherlands

(c) Both a and b

(d) None of the above

48. Which country is known as the Cradle of European civilization?

(a) Belgium

(b) France

(c) Greece

(d) U.S.A

49. The Treaty which recognized Greece as an independent nation-

(a) Treaty of Vienna 1815

(b) Treaty of Constantinople 1832

(c) Treaty of Warsaw 1814

(d) Treaty of Leipzig 1813

50. Which one of the following claimed that true German culture was discovered among the common peopledas volk?

(a) Karol Karpinski

(b) Louis philippe

(c) Lord Byron

(d) Johann Gottfried Herder



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