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Chapter 10 :- Editing and Formatting Documents

 Chapter :-  10 Editing and Formatting Documents 

Selecting Text :- If you want to select only a word, take a cursor anywhere on that word and double click. By triple clicking on any part of the sentence, the current sentence will be selected. The whole document is selected by pressing CTRL + A. 

Undoing and Redoing Changes :- 
Press CTRL + Z Clicking the Undo icon on the Standard toolbar. 
Press CTRL + Y Clicking the Redo icon on the Standard toolbar.

Find and Replace Dialog Box :- 
A character which is not found on a standard keyboard is called a Special character

Choose the Correct Option.

1. Which of the following technique selects a sentence in  Writer? 

(a) Single click (Pressing left button of mouse) 
(b) Double Click 
(c) Triple Click 
(d) None of the above 

2.Which of the following is the short cut key to Redo any operation ? 

(a) CTRL + R 
(b) CTRL + x 
(c) CTRL + Y 
(d) CTRL + Z

3. To find a word in a document we can use which of the following function key ? 

(a) F5 key 
(b) F8 key 
(c) F1 key 
(d) All of these

4.While creating numbering list we can go up to which of the following level in case of nested list. 

(a) 5 
(b) 6 
(c) 16 
(d) 10

5. Spellings are corrected automatically in Writer because of which of the following  feature ? 

(a) Auto Text 
(b) Auto Correct 
(c) Auto Complete 
(d) All of these

6.Which of the following menu is to be used to check spelling? 

(a) Edit 
(b) Format 
(c) Tools 
(d) English 


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