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Showing posts with the label 2. Write a program to plot a bar chart in python to display the result of a school for five consecutive years.


2. Write a program to plot a bar chart in python to display the result of a school for five consecutive years.

 2. Write a program to plot a bar chart in python to display the result of a school for five consecutive years.  Solution :-  import matplotlib.pyplot as pl  year=['2015','2016','2017','2018','2019'] # list of years  p=[98.50,70.25,55.20,90.5,61.50] #list of pass percentage  j=['b','g','r','m','c'] # color code of bar charts, p, width=0.2, color=j) # bar( ) function to create the bar chart  pl.xlabel("year") # label for x-axis  pl.ylabel("Pass%") # label for y-axis ) # function to display bar chart  Output :- 
