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Showing posts with the label 9. Write a Java program to calculate profit or loss.


9. Write a Java program to calculate profit or loss.

  9. Write a Java program to calculate profit or loss. Static   Solution :-  class profitloss {     public static void main(String args[])     {     int amount,cp=2000,sp=1500;     if (sp > cp)     {         amount = sp - cp;         System.out.println("Profit :- "+amount);     }        else if(cp > sp)     {         amount = cp - sp;         System.out.println("Loss :- "+amount);        }        else     {         System.out.println("No profit no Loss" );        }     } } Output :-  Dynamic Solution:- import java.util.*; class profitloss {     public static void main(String args[])     {              int amount,sp,cp;     Scanner in =  new Scanner(;         System.out.println("Enter the Selling Price  :-");     sp = in.nextInt();     System.out.println("Enter the Cost Price  :-");     cp = in.nextInt();     if (sp > cp)     {         amount = sp - cp;         System.out.println("Profit :- "+amount);
