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Class 10th Chapter 11 :- Data Types, Operators and Expression in C Language

  Chapter :- 11 Data Types, Operators and Expression in C Language What is Data Type ? The type of value that can be assigned to an identifier is known as its data type. C language uses set of keywords to relate a data with its value. These keywords identify two things, the type of value that can be stored in an identifier and the memory space required by an identifier. Each data type is allocated a fixed memory space in C. It is denoted by bytes. 1 byte is combination of 8 bits. Basic Data Types of C C language supports basic data types called integer, decimal and character. Operators An operator is a symbol that identifies the operation that can be performed on operands. The operators in C can be categorized into eight types as mentioned : 1. Arithmetic Operators. 2. Assignment Operators. 3. Relational Operators. 4. Increment and Decrement Operators. 5. Conditional Operators. 6. Logical Operators. 7. Bitwise Operators. 8. Special Operators. Choose the correct option from the foll...
