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Class 10th chapter :- 15 ARRAYS

  Arrays It is a collection of elements having same data type, It is a fixed-size sequential collection of elements. An array element occupies contiguous memory locations. C supports a special kind of data type called an array. The element of an array is accessed by an index number. The index number contained within square brackets is also known as subscript. Types of Arrays The arrays in C language can be classified in to following two categories : (1) Single or One dimensional array (2) Multidimensional array The single dimensional array may have one row or one column while multidimensional array has one or more rows and one or more columns. The number of rows and columns are specified by user as per the program requirement.  Declaration of Single Dimensional Array To declare an array in C language, we specify the type of data which we want to store in the elements and the number of elements to be stored in an array as follows: datatype arrayname ( size ); datatype: It speci...
