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Class 12th Chapter :- 11 Societal Impacts

Class 12th Chapter :- 11  Societal Impacts  Answer the Following Question  1. What is digital footprint? Solution :-  A digital footprint is the record or trail left by the things one does online. The social media activity, the information on personal website, the browsing activities, online subscriptions, any photo galleries and videos uploaded by a user-essentially, any activity carried out on the Internet makes the digital footprint of a user. 2.  Why is it important to have positive digital footprint ? Solution :-  It is very important to have a clean and secure digital footprint because: It gives us a digital persona by defining our online behaviour. The digital footprint is often used by universities before approving admissions to a student. The digital footprint is also used by future employers, and law enforcement offices, to find  people with and clean digital footprint.  The digital footprint should not provide personal information as it could be misinterpreted or misused for
