Summary Introduction to village palampur Palampur is well-connected with neighbouring villages and towns. Raiganj, a big village, is 3 kms from Palampur. This village has about 450 families belonging to several different castes . The 80 upper caste families own the majority of land in the village. The SCs (dalits) comprise one third of the population and live in one corner of the village and in much smaller houses some of which are of mud and straw. Palampur has two primary schools and one high school. There is a primary health centre run by the government and one private dispensary where the sick are treated. Organisation of Production There are four requirements for production of goods and services. The first requirement is land, and other natural resources such as water, forests, minerals. The second requirement is labour,i.e. people who will do the work. Some production activities require highly educated workers to perform ...
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