21.Find the sum of each column, or find the column with the lowest mean. Solution :- import pandas as pd Pass_Perc ={'Phy': {'2017':95.4,'2018':96.4,'2019':99.2,'2020':97.4}, 'Che': {'2017':96.5,'2018':97.4,'2019':100,'2020':99.2}, 'Maths': {'2017':90.2,'2018':92.6,'2019':97.4,'2020':98.0}, 'Eng': {'2017':99.2,'2018':100,'2019':100,'2020':100}, 'IP': {'2017':95.6,'2018':100,'2019':100,'2020':100}} df=pd.DataFrame(Pass_Perc) print(df) print() print('Column wise sum in datframe is :') print(df.sum(axis=0)) # Print mean vaLue of each coLumn print() print('Column wise mean value are:') print(df.mean(axis=0).round(1)) # Returns CoLumn with minimum mean vaLue print() print('Column with minimum mean value is:') print(df.mean(axis=0).idxmin()) Output :- ...
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