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Showing posts with the label GSEB


Class 11th Chapter-6 Basic Ubuntu Linux Commands (GSEB)

Terminal :-  To open a terminal Press  CTRL+ ALT + t keys together(As Shorcut). Command 1. Calendar (cal) :- The cal command is used to display a calendar of any specific month or entire year. 2. Date (date) :- Another utility command is date; it is used to display the system date. 3. Calculator(bc) :- The bc command in linux is a command line calculator.     The ibase function allow us to set the numbering system. (a) obase = 16 (b) obase = 2 (c) sqrt = (256) 4. echo :- The echo command is used to display a message on the terminal. eg :- $echo Hi,Welcome to techonespot. 5. Changing password (passwd) :- It is used to change the password of the current login account by default. eg :- $passwd 6.Clearing the Screen (clear) :- we have one simple solution for this problem, use the clear command to remove data on the screen. 7. Present Working Directory (pwd) :- The directory where we are located at that moment is known as current directory or present working directo...
