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Class 10th Chapter - 4 List and Table in Html

  List and Table in HTML LIST List types are 1. unordered list 2. ordered list 3. descriptive l ist . Unordered list :- A n unordered list contains item along with a symbol. This symbol is also called a bullet. To create an unordered list in HTML, the <ul> tag and </ul> tag pair is used. The items of the list are enclosed within the <li> and </ li> tag pair.   If you want to change the bullets, you can use an attribute called type. Descriptive l ist . :- D escription l i st using tag pairs <dl> and </dl>, Here 'dl' is an abbreviated form of the word description list . W e need to define description terms using <dt> and </dt> . Ordered list :- An ordered list contains items along with nu mbers or alphabets instead of bullets.   To create an ordered l ist in HT ML, the <ol> tag and < / ol> . As usual, the items of the list are enclosed within the <li> and </li> tag pair . Table tag A table contains i

Class 10th Chapter :- 2 Head and Body Section of HTML

Head and Body Sections   An HTML document is divided into two sections called Head and Body. The head section also contains additional information about the content and the HTML document. The tag that provides additional information is known as meta-tag.It is usually relevant for browsers and search engines. Description :- Most search engines will display the description when they put the results of a search to the users.   Example:-   <meta name="DESCRIPTION" content="About rainbow and its colours"> Keywords provided in this tag will be used by the search engine. Example :- <meta name="KEYWORDS" content="Rainbow, VIBGYOR">  Author :- The following meta-tag attribute provides information about the author of the web page.  Example :- <meta name="AUTHOR" content="abc"> Comments allow you to provide additional information in the HTML code. The comments are not meant to be displayed.To add a comment we use &#

Class 10 Chapter :-1 Introduction to HTML

 Chapter :-1 Introduction to HTML Summary  HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. On the platform of the Internet, a distributed information system exists, which is called World Wide Web , WWW or Web in short. The notion of the Web was conceived in 1991 by Tim Berners Lee. HTML is a kind of markup language. A markup language is a set of tags that enables additional information (besides the content) on how to present the web content.  HTML is derived from of SGML (Standardized General Markup Language) A combination of opening and closing tag along with some content between the two tags forms an element. Opening Tag                           Content About Rainbow                                Closing Tag  <title>                                                                                                                          </title> Paragraph tags : <p> and </p>   The <p> tag structures the content into a paragraph. Each paragraph of text sho
