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Class 12 Chapter :- 3 Designing simple website using KompoZer

  Chapter :- 3  Designing simple website using KompoZer A website plays a very important role in a business now-a-days. It helps in presenting the business to the world. It helps in promoting the business, selling the products and attracting a large number of customers. A website is a collection of interlinked web pages for a specific purpose. A website that is interactive, user friendly and providing accurate and useful information. Planning for the website  Developing a good website is a project similar to any other project and requires detailed planning.In other words we can say that, the desired goals for developing the website can be achieved. Purpose  Audience  Content Medium  After creating the website we need to upload it on the Internet.Publishing a website means transferring the site, i.e. the pages, images and stylesheets, to a web server from which they can be accessed by the users. This process is called 'Uploading'. We can upload the website i...

Class 12 Chapter 2 :- Cascading Style Sheets and Javascript

  Chapter 2 Cascading Style Sheets and Javascript CSS Stand for Cascading Style Sheets . CSS allows you to specify styles for the visual elements of the website. Syntax of CSS  The syntax of CSS consists of special symbols known as rules.. A CSS rule has two main parts: a selector, and one or more declarations. The general syntax of CSS is defined as:- selector {property : value) H1 { color: green }  ↓                ↓                ↓ Selector   Property     Value  We can easily add CSS using KompoZer. To make sure that KompoZer uses CSS by default, click  Edit > Preferences .  Advantages of CSS CSS allows us to set the format of the website without changing the underlying structure. We can make changes to the website without the fear of accidently changing the data. The CSS has less code compared to that in HTML. Thus the web pages ...

Class 12 Chapter:- 1 Creating HTML Forms Using KompoZer

Summary   HTML stand for Hyper text Markup Language . In Html Forms are used to accept the data over the web. In HTML, A Form are used to collect different input from the user. Forms have various element like :-  label   text   Radio button  Chechbox  Text Area  Selection list buttons   etc. Through which user can input there personal information , a feedback about the product a survey etc. The software which we are using for the Web development is :- KompoZer. The Kompozer is free web development IDE(Integrated Development IDE) used to create web pages and website for Free and without coding.Basically you just have to used drag and drop method to create a Web-page or Website KompoZer also have a web page editor which has simple GUI(Graphical user interface) Interface known as 'WYSIWYG' is basically stand for ' What You See Is What You Get' . Creating form using Kompozer is Simple and Fast. How to Download and Install kompZer Choose...
