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Showing posts with the label Pratyush Garments has recorded the following data into their register for their income from cotton clothes and jeans. Plot them on the line chart.


4.Pratyush Garments has recorded the following data into their register for their income from cotton clothes and jeans. Plot them on the line chart.

  4. Pratyush Garments has recorded the following data into their register for their income from cotton clothes and jeans. Plot them on the line chart. Apply following customization to the line chart. Write a title for the chart “The Weekly Garment Orders”. Write the appropriate titles of both the axes. Write code to Display legends. Display your choice of colors for both the lines cotton and jeans. Use the line style – dotted for cotton and dashdot for jeans. Display plus markers on cotton and x markers of jeans. Solution :-  import matplotlib.pyplot as pp day =['Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday'] ct = [450,560,400,605,580] js = [490,600,425,610,625] pp.plot(day,ct,label='Cotton',color='g',linestyle='dotted',marker='+') pp.plot(day,js,label='Food',color='m',linestyle='dashdot',marker='x') pp.title("The Weekly Garment Orders") pp.xlabel("Days") pp.
