6.Read the ‘Student.csv’ to create a data frame and do the following operation: To display Student file with new column names. To modify the Percentage of student below 40 with NaN value in dataframe. Solution :- import pandas as pd import numpy as np import csv df=pd.read_csv("Student.csv") print(df) #To display Student_result file with new column names. df1 = pd.read_csv("Student.csv",skiprows=1, names=['Adm_No','Roll no' ,'Name' ,'Gender' 'S1','S2','S3','S4','S5','S6','total','Perc']) print("To display Student_result file with new column names") print(df1) #To modify the Percentage of student below 40 with NaN value. df2 = pd.read_csv("Student.csv") print(df2) print("To modify the percentage od Student below 40 with NaN value.") df2.loc[(df2['Perc']<40,'Perc')]=np.nan print(df2) Output :- Link to Dow...
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