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class 10th chapter 3 Handling Images in HTML

    Choose the correct option from the following: (1) Which of the following tag is used to insert a video file into an HTML document ? (a) img (b) image (c) href (d) ime (2) As the image element does not cause a line break, it is also referred to as which of the following ? (a) An online image (b) An inline image (c) An outline image (d) Blank image (3) Which one of the following is a valid image file format ? (a) Img (b) Move (c) Mp3 (d) Png (4) Which of the following is provided when we use alt attribute of an image ? (a) Alternative description (b) Alt key definition  (c) Alternative image (d) Alternative HTML link (5) Which of the following attributes specify the values of height and width of the image in pixels ? (a) Img src (b) Height and width (c) H and V (d) Any of the above (6) Which of the following is not a valid image format ? (a) Imv (b) Png (c) Bmp (d) Gif (7) Which of the following concept is used to display whole image as a link ? (a) Image as hot spot ...

Class 10th Chapter 8 Charts in Calc

   Charts in Calc Choose the correct option from the following: (1) Which of the following option is used to print a chart ? (a) Insert → Chart (b) File → View  (c) File → Print (d) View → Chart (2) The charts in Calc may have how many of the following axis ? (a) Two (b) Three (c) Two or three  (d) Four (3) Which of the following is used to enter 3D text in Calc ? (a) Fontwork (b) Artwork  (c) Drawing work (d) Graphwork (4) Which of the following is used to provide a link to the chart ? (a) Activelink (b) Hyperlink (c) Drawinglink (d) Connectionlink (5) Which of the following shows us the preview of the chart ? (a) Save as XHTML (b) Page preview (c) Export chart (d) Any of these (6)To fix the column or row in a data range - to make it absolute, which symbol is used ?  (a) # (b) $ (c) & (d) % (7) To which of the entity can a Calc chart be linked ? (a) To an existing document (b) To a new document (c) Web page (d) All of these Link to Download MCQ 

Class 10th Chapter 7 Functions in Calc

   Functions in Calc Calc provide built-in standard functions for mathematical, logical, statistical, date and time, financial and other calculations on numbers and text. The process of inserting a function is similar for all functions.That is, to use a function we need to enter a correct spelling of the function along with necessary arguments. This is known as syntax of the functions. t is possible to loose the grip on it and easy to introduce errors. To avoid this, you may take help of function wizard. The Calc support some more functions that support logical decision making. These functions are AND, OR, and NOT. (1) In which of the following ways we can enter a function in Calc ? (a) Directly typing function name in a cell nan (b) Function wizard or selecting from tool bar (c) A and B both (d) Depends on functions (2) A function can start with which of the following options ? (a) '='sign (b) Alphabets (c) Numbers (d) Any of these (3) Which of the following is not a logical...

Class 10th Chapter 6 Data Editing and Formating in Calc

    Data Editing and Formating in Calc A spreadsheet is made up of rows and columns intersecting each other forming multiple cells Operations such as opening a new or an existing spreadsheet, saving the spreadsheet, renaming the whole spreadsheet with save as option; renaming work sheets, adding/deleting worksheets etc. are frequently used operations on spreadsheet or work sheet level. To open a new Calc document, that is a Calc spreadsheet, perform the following procedures. Select File → New → Spreadsheet; from the Menu Bar. Press CTRL + N; or The first way is to open the Calc first and go to file menu and select open. Select File → Open;  To insert a worksheet using the sheet tab, perform the steps mentioned. • Select a worksheet and right click on it; • A vertical menu will open; Select a cell from a column (row); • Select Format → Column → Width or Format → Row → Height; . Freezing a Pane When many rows and columns are accommodated in a single worksheet, the row or co...

Class 10th Chapter :- 14 Loop Control Structures

  Loop Control Structures   All programming languages offers loop control structure (also known as looping) allowing programmers to execute a statement or group of statements multiple times. In looping, the sequences of statements are executed until some exit condition is satisfied. The looping construct is composed of two parts: body of loop and control statement. In entry controlled loop the exit/control condition is checked before executions of statements inside loop body. In exit controlled loop the exit/control condition is checked after executions of loop body. This means that in case of exit controlled loop, body will be executed at least once before exiting from the loop.4 for while do...while The For Loop The for loop is normally used when we want to execute block of statements fixed number of times. To make for loop more dynamic, we can use the exit condition inside for loop. Syntax of For Loop for ( expression1; expression2; expression3) The header of for loop cont...

Class 10th Chapter 11 :- Data Types, Operators and Expression in C Language

  Chapter :- 11 Data Types, Operators and Expression in C Language What is Data Type ? The type of value that can be assigned to an identifier is known as its data type. C language uses set of keywords to relate a data with its value. These keywords identify two things, the type of value that can be stored in an identifier and the memory space required by an identifier. Each data type is allocated a fixed memory space in C. It is denoted by bytes. 1 byte is combination of 8 bits. Basic Data Types of C C language supports basic data types called integer, decimal and character. Operators An operator is a symbol that identifies the operation that can be performed on operands. The operators in C can be categorized into eight types as mentioned : 1. Arithmetic Operators. 2. Assignment Operators. 3. Relational Operators. 4. Increment and Decrement Operators. 5. Conditional Operators. 6. Logical Operators. 7. Bitwise Operators. 8. Special Operators. Choose the correct option from the foll...

Class 10th Chapter 10 Introduction to C language

CH-10    Introduction to C Language    Programming language when used allows us to write an instruction that has only one meaning. Computers however do not understand the language that we speak neither does it understand the programming language. It only understands 0 and 1. The problem of computers not understanding our language is solved by using software programs called translators. This translator is known as compiler. A good program should possess following characteristics : 1. A program must end after finite number of steps. 2. The instructions of program must be precisely defined, i.e. it should not have multiple meaning. 3. All the instructions must be effective, i.e. they should be carried out exactly. 4. A program may take zero or more inputs. 5. A program may produce one or more outputs. Structure of C Program C program is a set of blocks called functions. A function is made up of one or more statements used for performing a predefined task. It is always a...

Class 10th Chapter - 9 Promblem and Promblem Solving

Chapter -9   Computer can solve variety of problems from the easiest to the most complex ones. To solve a problem it needs to be given a complete set of instructions. We can solve any problem using the steps mentioned: 1. Define the problem. 2. Identify the input, output and constraint of the problem. 3. Identify different alternatives of solving the problem. 4. Choose the best possible alternative from the above list. 5. Prepare detailed stepwise instruction set of the identified alternative. 6. Compute results using this instruction set. 7. Check correctness of the answer obtained. Steps 1 to 5 are performed by person who needs the solution, while step 6 and 7 are performed by a computer. A flowchart is a technique in which we use pictorial representation of every action that we perform within the machine process that solves a problem. A set of symbols, showing different actions, is used to represent a flowchart. The symbols are also called components of flowcharts. Start and En...

C language tutorial

 Write a C program to enter length and breadth of a rectangle and find its area.   #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() {     clrscr();     int area,length=10,width=5;     area = length*width;     printf("The area of a rectangle is :- %d",area); getch(); } Output :-  #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main()   {     clrscr();     int length,breadth,area;     printf("Enter the length and breadth of rectangle :-");     scanf("%d %d",&length,&breadth);     area = length * breadth;     printf("The area of rectangle is :- %d",area); getch(); } Output :-                   

Class 10 ch-5 Introduction to Calc

                                    Class 10 ch-5 Introduction to Calc  Calç is an electronic spreadsheet package from the OpenOffice suits. Spreadsheet is a type of package that is used for fast and accurate calculations as well as formatting of data in a document. There are maximum 256 worksheets per Calc spreadsheet document.  1. Title bar Untitled 1 - calc  2. Menu bar Eile Edit View Insert Format Tools Data Window Help  3. Toolbars  4. Column headers 5. Row headers  6. Active cell  7. Address or name filed of selected cell  8. Formula and data input bar  9. Workspace  10. Zoom tool  11. Status bar 12. Sheet tab    This is also known as a user interface of Calc. Menu Bar :- The menu bar contains menus with commands for various tasks.It consists     File  Edit  View Inser...

Class 10th Chapter - 4 List and Table in Html

  List and Table in HTML LIST List types are 1. unordered list 2. ordered list 3. descriptive l ist . Unordered list :- A n unordered list contains item along with a symbol. This symbol is also called a bullet. To create an unordered list in HTML, the <ul> tag and </ul> tag pair is used. The items of the list are enclosed within the <li> and </ li> tag pair.   If you want to change the bullets, you can use an attribute called type. Descriptive l ist . :- D escription l i st using tag pairs <dl> and </dl>, Here 'dl' is an abbreviated form of the word description list . W e need to define description terms using <dt> and </dt> . Ordered list :- An ordered list contains items along with nu mbers or alphabets instead of bullets.   To create an ordered l ist in HT ML, the <ol> tag and < / ol> . As usual, the items of the list are enclosed within the <li> and </li> tag pair . Table tag A table cont...

Class 10th Computer HTML WORKSHEET

 Class 10th Computer HTML WORKSHEET ((1)To display the web content, which mark-up language is needed ? (a) CML (b) HTML  (c) NML  (d) WML   (2) Which of the following is considered as a language for describing web page ? (a) HTML  (b) WML (c) NML (d) CML   (3) Which of the following is the full form of HTML ? (a) Hot Text Manipulation Language (b) Hyper Text Manipulation Law (c) Hyper Text Markup Language (d) Hidden Text Markup Language   (4) Which of the following is the full form of SGML ? (a) Standardized General Markup Language (b) System General Manipulation Law (c) Standardized Genome Markup Law (d) Standardized Gigabyte Markup Language     (5) Which of the following refers to an HTML element ? (a) An opening tag, content and a closing tag  (b) Angular brackets  (c) Content (d) Any of these   (6) Which of the following can be used to specify additional formatti...
