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CH-2 INPUT, OUTPUT and STORAGE DEVICES  A. Tick () the correct answer.  1.___________ is a pointing device which is used to play games on computer.  Mouse  Keyboard  Joystick  Webcam  2. OCR stands for  Optical Character Reader  Optical Compile Recognition  Optimal Character Reader  Optional Character Reserve  3.____________ scans text and images that are less than a page wide.  Handheld Scanner  Flatbed Scanner  Drum Scanner  Scanner  4._______________is a type of scanner which scans the handwritten or printed text on paper and converts it into the actual text which can be edited using a word processor.  MICR OMR OCR OPR  5. In___________ no memory card is required for storing images.  Digicam  Webcam  Graphic Tablet  Smart Card Reader 6.____________ are basically an extension of ATMs. Smart Card Reader  Graphic Tablet  Touch Screen Device  Biometric Sensor  7. The images on the monitor are formed with the help of thousands of picture elements present on the  screen called____

Class 9th Chapter :- 1 Computer System

Chapter :- 1 Computer System   Summary :-  A computer is an electronic device which converts raw data into useful information as per the user's instructions.  A computer works on the principle of Input Process -> Output, i.e. IPO cycle.  Raw facts given as input to the computer are called data whereas the processed form of data is known as information  CPU is the main data processing unit also known as the brain of the computer. ALU (Arithmetic and Logical Unit) and CU (Control Unit) are the two main components of cru. Main memory of the computer is like a warehouse in which processed and unprocessed information are stored. High data processing speed, accuracy, storage, diligence and versatility are the advantages of this machine. Zero IQ, no intelligence and no learning capability are the limitations of a computer. Some of the major areas of computer applications are: Business, Research, Education, Communication, Defence, Healthcare, Entertainment, Personal Use, Banking, Multim
