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Class 11th Revision in Python.

  Revision Tour of Python.

Python class 11th Information Practice

Solve any three  1. Write a Python Program to Check Whether the given number is Duck number or Not. 2.Write a Python Program to Check Whether the given number is Arm Strong or Not. 3. Write a Python Program to Check Whether the given number is Palnidrome or Not. 4. Write a Python Program to Check Whether the given number is Prime number or Not. 5. Write a Python Program to Check Whether the given number is Factorial or Not. 6. Write a Python Program to Check Whether the given number is Reverse number or Not.

Class 12th Practice Paper

 Class 12th Practice Paper Q.1 Create a E-Commerce Website to sell Mobile phone online.(25 marks) ·        Login Page ·        Registration page ·        Home Page ·        Add Page to make full Website   Q.2 Write a Java Program to create Menu Driven Program.  (5 marks) ·        Check Number is Arm Strong or Not ·        Check Number is Palindrome or Not ·        Check Number is Even or Odd. ·        Check Year is Leap Year or Not ·        Check which number is big between 3 Number. Q.3 Write a Java Program to Check profit or Loss or No Profit No Loss.  (5 marks) Q.4 Write a Java Program to Check Given number is Duck Number or Not.             (5 marks) Q.5 Write a Java Program to Create class named Room and Find area of Rectangle and Perimeter of a Rectangle.  (5 marks) Q.6 Write a Java program to input marks of five subjects Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and Computer. Calculate percentage and grade according to following:   (5 marks) Percentage >= 90% : Grade A Percent


 MS ACCESS  1. How to create table in MS ACCESS . Sol:-  Create table Student ( rollnumber integer primary key not null, sname text(50), fname text(50), gender text(6), result text(7), class text(3), sec text(1)); 2. Insert data into table. Sol:-  Insert into Student values(1,"Hardik","Prakash","Male","Pass","XI","A"); Insert into Student values(2,"Harish","Vinod","Male","Pass","XI","A"); Insert into Student values(3,"Mohit","Shyam","Male","Pass","XI","A"); Insert into Student values(4,"Nishant","Mukesh","Male","Pass","XI","A"); Insert into Student values(5,"Yash","Jaydeep","Male","Pass","XI","A"); Insert into Student values(6,"Shreeya","Mukesh","Female","P

Python Module

  Python Modules                A python module can be defined as a python program file which contains a python code including python functions, class, or variables. In other words, we can say that our python code file saved with the extension (.py) is treated as the module. We may have a runnable code inside the python module. Modules in Python provides us the flexibility to organize the code in a logical way. To use the functionality of one module into another, we must have to import the specific module. Example In this example, we will create a module named as which contains a function func that contains a code to print some message on the console. Python Math Module Python math module is defined as the most famous mathematical functions, which includes trigonometric functions, representation functions, logarithmic functions, etc. Furthermore, it also defines two mathematical constants, i.e., Pie and Euler number, etc. Pie (n): It is a well-known mathematical constant and de


 class pen { String color ; String type; public void write() { System.out.println("Write Something"); } public void Color() { System.out.println(this.color); } public void Type() { System.out.println(this.type); } } public class oops1 { public static void main(String args[]) { pen p1 = new pen(); p1.write(); p1.color="Green"; p1.type="Ball pen"; p1.Color(); p1.Type(); pen p2 = new pen(); p2.color="Black"; p2.type="Gel pen"; p2.Color(); p2.Type(); } }

Year is Leap or Not

 leap=$(date +"%Y") echo taking year as $leap if [ `expr $leap % 400` -eq 0 ] then echo leap year elif [ `expr $leap % 100` -eq 0 ] then echo not a leap year elif [ `expr $leap % 4` -eq 0 ] then echo leap year else echo not a leap year fi
